Board Resolution of Authorization



    Student and School Safety

    Resolution No. 2017-10

    Whereas, the West Linn - Wilsonville School District has as a goal to operate in an accessible and transparent manner that encourages and fosters community involvement as our parents, students and community partners are an integral and valued voice in our district; and,

    Whereas, the West Linn – Wilsonville School District has a policy, KC, directing that advisory committees should be appointed to study specific matters in which the school board wants broad public participation; and,

    Whereas, the West Linn – Wilsonville School District Superintendent and School Board have received communications from several concerned parents since the shooting of students and teachers at Parkland High School in Florida offering to work with the School Board on the issue of safety;

    Therefore, the Board of Directors of West Linn – Wilsonville School District appoints up to three advisory committees to: 1) while looking at West Linn – Wilsonville student and school safety in the broadest context, identify areas of perceived strength and perceived concern at the District’s sixteen (16) schools; 2) determine if those are specific to particular schools or are a district-wide matter; and, 3) prioritize areas of perceived concern and identify possible solutions that need exploration, with a focus on evidence based solutions.

    To that end, and according to Policy KC, the Board of Directors provides the following structure for those advisory committees:

    1. The advisory committee membership shall be comprised of teachers, parents and students. Student participation would require consent of a parent or guardian. Each committee would range from 7 to 10 members; and,
    2. The number of advisory committees shall be determined by interest. If there is enough membership for three advisory committees, each will be focused on a school-level respectively: primary school, middle school and high school. If there is enough membership for only two advisory committees, they will focus on primary and secondary schools respectively; and,
    3. Invitations to participate as members will be made in the following order until the advisory committee(s) are full: to parents who have already contacted the board and expressed interest in participating in addressing this issue; to the West-Linn Wilsonville Education Association through President Lane Johnson; to the West Linn Wilsonville Education Foundation through President Jules Walters; and to parent-student-teacher organizations and student leadership organizations at each school. However, if the maximum membership is reached before invitations are sent to student leadership organizations, student representation will be given preference to ensure student participation on any secondary-level committee; and,
    4. The advisory committees shall serve a minimum of six months and no longer than a year. Each advisory committee will be dissolved by April 30, 2019; and,
    5. The first meeting of the advisory committee(s) shall take place by the end of May 2018 and will occur either at the District Office or at a school. Thereafter, the advisory committees shall meet separately at an appropriate level school; and,
    6. The Board of Directors will expect reports from the advisory committees at least quarterly at its scheduled public meetings; and,
    7. The Board of Directors intends to provide physical space for the meetings, facilitators if requested or needed, information on the District’s existing safety plans and measures, and information on the District’s future safety plans and measures; and,
    8. The Board of Directors will provide Policy KC and this Resolution to each advisory committee.

    School Board Adopted this resolution at their April 2, 2018 Regular School Board Meeting.