
  • West Linn-Wilsonville School Board Advisory Committee

    Student and School Safety: Emergency Preparedness

    Purpose: The Purpose of the Advisory Committee is to (1) using a broad lens, identify both areas of perceived and concern in West Linn-Wilsonville Schools regarding emergency preparedness systems, (2) determine if concerns are district-wide or school-specific, (3) prioritize areas of perceived concern and identify possible solutions for exploration, with a focus on evidence based solutions.

    The Advisory Committee will meet on May 16, 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., to learn about the purpose, the current safety and security measures in place, and the scope of the Advisory Committee. The Advisory Committee will then meet independently in sub-committees, with dates and times to be determined by the sub-committees.

    The Advisory Committee will conclude its work as a large group on September 13, 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. There, the spokesperson of each advisory committee will share the group's findings, which will allow the combined group to create a final list of priorities and recommendations for the Board.

    Advisory Committees are subject to public meeting law and must be noticed, open to the public, and take minutes to be submitted to the Board (for posting).

    Advisory Committees are considered part of Tier I of the District's three-tiered safety program and process. This committee is not a decision-making entity, but instead is tasked with providing the School Board with community concerns, priorities, recommendations, and perspective.

    BOARD and DISTRICT NOTE: It is important that children and staff are not used as examples or brought up in discussion in this committee forum. Some members of the committee may be privy to information about specific children or staff; this information should remain confidential and not disclosed in any of these meetings (FERPA Law).