
     Advisor is Ms. Diane Gauthier gauthied@wlwv.k12.or.us


    Student Leaders: Ray Yoshimori, Georgia Santoso




    National Art Honor Society

    West Linn High School Chapter 2356
    Adeline Xu paints a mask with a resident of Tanner Springs  
    The National Art Honor Society is affiliated with the National Art Education Association, a nationwide group of individuals including; college professors of art, high school, middle school and primary school art teachers who are dedicated to the promotion of art education. The NAEA started the National Art Honor Society in 1978.

    The purpose of the National Art Honor Society is to inspire, promote and acknowledge excellence at the high school level in art. It is also to share the expertise of high school students in the area of art throughout the community and to offer and promote scholarship opportunities and recognition in the school and community for talented art students. There are currently over 2,200 chapters throughout the United States.

    The National Art Honor Society was established at West Linn High School in the Spring of 2004. Our first group of seniors graduated with their colorful ‘honor cords’ in June of that year. The requirements to be accepted to our National Art Honor Society are:

    Students must take at least one art class per year (these include photography, graphic design, web design,  ceramics, and all other traditional visual arts classes).

    If an art class is not available in the student's schedule they must still remain and active member during that time, attending monthly meetings and fulfilling community service hours in visual art related activities (not musical or theater).

    Students must attend ALL meetings during the year! They must also complete their hours while being a member (they cannot bring service hours with them from previous activities prior to joining). 



    Seniors are REQUIRED to attend the Honor Cord event in May in order to receive their honor cords. Please make your plans accordingly if you wish to obtain your cords.


    Students must attend the monthly meetings to keep their status active.
    Students must renew their membership annually. Pay your fee to the bookkeeper. Bring your receipt and completed application form to the October meeting.  
    •  Students must remain active members throughout their high school years.

    • Students must have a ‘Visual Arts’ Grade Point Average of 3.5 or higher

    • Students must have an ‘overall’ GPA of 2.0 or higher

    The cost for membership is $15.00 per year for Sophomores-Juniors. The cost for Seniors is $35 (to cover the cost of the cords worn for the Honors Night and Induction Night). 

    Students who join will receive the NAHS News, which is published twice a year and contains reports of chapter activities, student work, art history, information about art careers, student photos, scholarships and information about NAHS.

    Students need to re-apply each year (just as NHS students do).

    Due to the pandemic, the required number of hours needed to earn an honor cord has changed. Members will participate in Scholastic Art Awards, the Congressional Art Competition and the two Semester Art Shows. Thus, it is not a set number of hours that you need but the participation in the above events that counts for your participation.

    How do you apply? Come to room 704 and see Diane Gauthier you are interested. You will be given the application form.

    We meet on the SECOND Wednesday of the month at the beginning of lunch (11:35am), in 704

    The meetings don't take the entire lunch period. BUT you need to come at the beginning!


     Caroline Sutton
     Painting by Caroline Sutton