Superintendent's Office and Communications

Superintendent's Messages

  • 2025-26 Budget Reductions Anticipated

    Posted by West Linn-Wilsonville on 1/14/2025 3:00:00 PM

    Dear WLWV Community,

    At yesterday evening’s School Board meeting, I presented a projected budget reduction of $15 million for the 2025-2026 school year. We’ve reached this projection based on some key factors (please read below) including the Governor’s proposed state school fund of $11.36 billion and the unexpected PERS rate increases that alone create a $6 million increase for our district next year. 

    This announcement is earlier than anticipated, but with the School Board poised to make a decision at the end of the month regarding the possibility of consolidating one or more of the three smallest schools in the district, an analysis of the district’s prospective budget was necessary. 

    Across Oregon, school communities can expect reductions. The proposed state school fund increase of 11% is not adequate when economic costs are closer to a 15% percent increase and the PERS retirement rates are doubling next year. While these reductions will be challenging, it is important to remind ourselves that West Linn-Wilsonville is an exceptional place to live and learn and we are committed to keeping it this way. 

    What are the expenditures that create a need for a budget reduction?

    There are several factors for budget reductions. Some of the biggest factors include:

    • Declining enrollment — the district has approximately 950 fewer students enrolled than it did prior to the pandemic. This is a national and statewide trend, paired with a declining birth rate. Oregon has 35,000 fewer public school students since the pandemic. School districts are funded per student, which means districts are receiving less funding than they previously did. WLWV anticipates another decline of approximately 100 students next year.
    • Increased staffing levels — The district intentionally used one-time pandemic funds to add staff towards academic and mental health support for students recovering from the pandemic’s impacts. This is no longer sustainable. Reductions to staffing began last year and need to continue this year to be able to finance the district within the state’s funding allocations. 
    • PERS Retirement rate increases will be double from last year — This unexpected increase is an approximately $6 million additional cost to our budget next year. 
    • Student needs have increased — Mental health needs continue to rise and special education identification has gone up across Oregon and the nation.There is possible legislation to raise the special education funding from 11% to 15% in Oregon to match the national average. This needs to be additional funding and not a re-distribution of current funding. 
    • Increased costs with materials, insurance, workers compensation, utilities, transportation — Overall operating costs have increased considerably for school districts similar to what we all see at the grocery store, gas station, utilities, insurance, etc. Some increases are expected to rise by 15-20% next year. 
    • Unfunded Mandates — Newer legislation has resulted in increased costs to employers (particularly schools) without additional state revenue provided or factored into the state school fund increase (e.g. Paid Leave Oregon SB 1515, Classified Unemployment SB 489). 

    Where will reductions come from?

    The $15 million in reductions are approximately 9% of the General Fund expenditures. At this time, the planned reductions will be taken from both non-classroom personnel and programs as well as classroom personnel. As the district works with the labor associations, more specifics will be communicated accordingly.

    District-Level and School Reductions (non-classroom) - Approximately $7.46 Million

    • Administrator Positions, District Office staffing, District and School Budgets
    • Professional Learning, District and School Budgets, and Software 
    • Support Staff and Programs, Paraeducators, Operations (staff and services)

    Classroom Reductions (teachers) - Approximately $7.54 Million

    • Primary Schools: 30 FTE (Average Class Size: 28)
    • Middle Schools: 11 FTE
    • High Schools: 17 FTE

    How does the Small Schools decision factor into the budget process?

    On January 27, the School Board is expected to make a decision based on community input, the Small School Task Force findings report, Long Range Planning Committee statement and information provided by the district at the January 13 school board meeting. The consolidation of a primary school yields approximately $1.45 million in savings and would be directly applied to lowering class sizes across the primary level (reducing 19 FTE instead of 30 FTE, resulting in average class sizes of 25 instead of 28). 

    Can the District increase revenue somehow?

    There are some limited ways that the district can increase revenue, examples include:

    • Local Option Levy - The community passed a local option levy in 2023. These tax dollars fund additional teachers and offset federal and state grants that come in lower for our district than others due to demographics (e.g. income level of community). These positions are already factored into our budget. 
    • Capital Bond - If voters pass a renewal of the Capital Bond in November 2025, these funds would help relieve the General Fund budget of some high-cost facility items. Capital funds cannot be used for daily operations (e.g. salaries, utilities, curriculum, computer software) but can be used for building repairs, safety improvements, or technology hardware replacement.
    • Increases to facility rental fees — The district has not raised these rates since prior to the pandemic. The district has increased the fees to better cover the cost of maintaining and staffing our buildings and fields in evenings and weekends for community use. Fees and rental rates are now closer aligned to similar districts in the Portland-Metro area.

    What is the 2025-26 Budget Process and Timeline?

    It is still early. There are education groups including teachers, administrators and school boards advocating to legislators for increases to funding next year. We will make reductions cautiously while watching the news in Salem. Any changes that increase funding will be prioritized towards keeping class sizes lower and restoring support staff working directly with students. We will continue to keep our community informed over the next months. 

    The official budget process begins in April for community members to provide input on budget priorities. The first Budget Committee Meeting is scheduled for May 19. The School Board will approve the 2025-26 budget in June. 

    It is never easy to make reductions and there will be great care taken with each decision, collaboration with associations, input from the community considered, and communication along the way. We appreciate our community’s engagement, support, and partnership with our school leaders, teachers and students. Again, West Linn-Wilsonville is an exceptional place to live and learn and we are committed to maintaining that experience for our students, staff, and community. 

    Please keep up-to-date with district messages, school messages, and website updates for accurate information about the budget and planning for next year. 

    Most sincerely,
    Kathy Ludwig, Superintendent

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  • Important 2024-25 Budget Process Update

    Posted by West Linn-Wilsonville School District on 4/30/2024 3:00:00 PM

    Dear WLWV Community,

    The West Linn-Wilsonville School District continues to prepare the 2024-25 school year budget.  

    Budget Reduction Increased to Approximately $10 million for 2024-25

    In March, we shared with the WLWV community that the district would need to make approximately $4 million in reductions for the 2024-25 school year and another reduction the following year. Like other Oregon school districts, West Linn-Wilsonville has experienced the depletion of pandemic-related reserve funds, as well as inadequate state school funding lower than actual workforce costs and inflation. Unfortunately, reductions are needed to balance the budget.

    As projected revenue becomes more clear, it has become evident that the district will need to make approximately $10 million in reductions in 2024-25. This is approximately 6.5% of the district’s general fund expenditures budget. Based on the 2025-27 state funding biennium allocation, another reduction the following year(s) may or may not be needed. 

    What led to the increased reduction from $4 million to $10 million for 2024-25?

    In the last month, we have received new information.

    • Costs associated with insurance rates, supplies & materials, and utilities are coming in higher than projected. Some as high as 15% more than last year.

    • State and Federal grant estimates are just now coming in. Each estimate has been lower than we have received in the past and projected for next year. For example, our overall federal Title grants were reduced by 41% based on census poverty data. Similarly, our state Student Investment Account Grant (our largest grant) is coming in less than we projected for next year.

    • The district’s new substitute teacher vendor contract was not factored correctly in March; the correction revealed increased payroll costs of about $3 million. 

    Where will the district make the reductions?

    The district considers key investments and feedback from both the licensed and classified associations as well as the community.  The 2024-25 Budget Survey (1,000+ responses which includes staff, parents and community) data shows strong support for existing district programs (co-curricular activities, music, arts, world & dual language, preschool, STEM), curriculum for teachers, and mental health support. Hiring quality staff and maintaining effective class sizes remain the top two priorities identified in the survey and for the school district. 

    1. Districtwide Department and School Operational Budget Reductions, Approximately $4.5 Million

    Reductions include supplies, services, vendor contracts, rentals, utilities conservation, printers, etc. Note: remaining intact for next year will be board-approved curriculum renewal materials for Literacy and Math, as well as arts, music, athletics, and co-curricular programs.

    2. District administrative and school/student support personnel (non-classroom positions) Reductions, Approximately $4 Million

    Reductions include District Office administration, districtwide classified support staff, licensed support staff and TOSA positions, and reducing WKOA (online program) to service Grades 9-12 only. These personnel will be transferred to other vacant positions in the district or reduced due to natural attrition (retirement, resignation, temporary contracts). 

    3. Twelve (12) Primary Classroom Teacher Reductions (due to decreased enrollment since 2020), Approximately $1.5 Million

    Average primary class sizes will return to pre-pandemic ranges.

    • Pre-COVID
      • 2017-2018 Average Class Size = 23.7
      • 2018-2019 Average Class Size = 23.1
    • With COVID relief funds/reserve: 

      • 2019-2022 class size variability due to online, hybrid, return to in-person
      • 2022-2023 Average Class Size = 21.8
      • 2023-2024 Average Class Size = 21.6
    • With the 12 reductions:
      • 2024-2025 Average Class Size = 23.3

    Didn’t the Local Option Levy we just passed preserve teaching positions?

    Yes, it does. Those 90 positions are still preserved. Positions funded through a local option levy, similar to positions funded through a federal or state grant, supplement the general budget allocation we receive each year from the state. Unfortunately, the inadequate state school fund which makes up the general budget drives the need for the reductions. The Superintendent’s webinar on how public school budgets are funded describes these distinctions in more detail.

    Are There Outstanding Factors that Could Continue to Impact 2024-25 Budgeting?

    • Student enrollment impacts budget revenues and expenditures. Declining enrollment could result in staffing changes. The district is actively monitoring this.  

    • The district is currently in contract negotiations with the West Linn-Wilsonville Education Association (WWEA) and Oregon School Employees Association (OSEA). The negotiation discussions in our district are highly professional and mutually respectful. Outcomes from these contract agreements may or may not create the need for additional reductions. 

    What’s Next in the 2024-25 Budgeting Process?

    Superintendent Ludwig will provide the 2024-25 Budget Message at the May 6 School Board meeting. The WLWV Budget Committee will hold its official Budget Meeting on May 20 to review the details of the proposed budget. Once the Budget Committee provides approval, it will go to the WLWV School Board for adoption at the June 10 meeting.

    WLWV Commits to Healthy Financial Shape for Future

    Making reductions in order to operate within a budget is challenging on many levels. However, these decisions are necessary to ensure long-term financial stability and academic success for our students. To review budget-related documents or recent updates, please visit the district website. Thank you for your feedback, your patience, and your grace as we continue forward with the 2024-25 budget process.


    Kathy Ludwig, Superintendent

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  • Superintendent's 2023-24 Welcome Back Message

    Posted by Kathy Ludwig on 8/28/2023 10:00:00 AM

    Dear WLWV Families,

    It is with great excitement that I welcome all of our students, staff, families, and community members to the 2023-24 school year. 

    As we get ready to embark on another school year together, I would like to share with you this year’s theme:  Elevate. Building on our good work from last year (“belief & belonging”), we will focus on ways we can  elevate the student experience in the classroom, our teamwork, and our leadership thinking. 

    • The student experience — Where can we expand access? Do all students feel a sense of belonging? How do we create meaningful engagement learning opportunities? How do we elevate our students’ experience at school?
    • Teamwork — How can student groups, teachers’ Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) and district departments leverage collective thinking and diverse perspectives to elevate learning outcomes for students? 
    • Leadership Thinking — Every educator and student has the opportunity to lead; in their classroom, on the field, in the school, in the community.  Elevated leadership considers complexities that may exist or arise in classroom or school settings or community situations. Like the submerged half of an iceberg, there is so much we cannot see immediately unless we take the time to listen and learn from one another; to take a deeper dive towards what is happening below the surface in order to make more informed, collaborative and better decisions.

    You will see in our District Integrated Plan and our  School Work Plans, which will be updated this school year, goals that build upon, or  elevate, our progress and efforts from last year, so that all students live into their potential and achieve beyond their own expectations. 

    I enjoyed seeing a number of students and families at our Family Empowerment Center back-to-school resource event, new student orientations, and other back-to-school events. It is clear that West Linn-Wilsonville is a community bursting with support for our schools and our students.

    Please visit our district website and school websites to review important back-to-school information and do not hesitate to call your school offices or our district office if you need any assistance. Thank you for partnering with us and learning with us. 

    We are all looking forward to our first day of school, tomorrow, August 29th, and for this new school year.

    Most sincerely,

    Kathy Ludwig


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  • Superintendent's Message — February

    Posted by Kathy Ludwig, Superintendent on 2/8/2023 8:00:00 AM

    Dear WLWV Community,

    Oregon has made significant investments in public education in the last decade in the form of targeted initiatives and grants, such as:

    Each of these investments comes with specific priorities, planning, timelines and accountability measures. The Oregon Department of Education (ODE) has created a new framework that brings these six programs together into one integrated process and accountability system, called the Integrated Initiatives Application. Instead of reporting on six separate grants/initiatives, there will now be one integrated system going forward.

    Yesterday evening, our School Board heard from staff about this new integrated approach and approved the draft document of goals and strategies outlined in our district’s application. 

    In the new application, the district identified academic goals, strategies and longitudinal performance growth targets to be measured in 2024, 2025 and 2026. The targets will measure these academic areas, to name a few:

    • 3rd Grade Reading performance
    • 5th Grade Math performance
    • 8th Grade Reading and Math performance
    • K-12 attendance
    • 9th Grade On Track
    • Advance Placement, International Baccalaureate, CTE Enrollment
    • High School Graduation 

    Once our application is approved by ODE, we will make it available to the community on our website and through our communications. Engaging our community in setting priorities for our schools, monitoring progress, and evaluating outcomes is important to us. Thank you to those who participated in the recent community meetings and various focus groups as we developed our application. 

    More Than 2,000 Responses to December Panorama Family Survey

    The Panorama Survey is one of the measurement tools we use to ask students, staff, and families about their experiences and our efforts towards creating a culture and climate of welcome, belonging, and inclusion in our schools. Results from the survey help us identify any barriers that we can mitigate to improve these efforts.

    Thank you to everyone who provided feedback through the Panorama Family Survey this past December. District staff have spent the past several weeks reviewing your input as part of our continued efforts to improve our school communities for all students. Survey results will also be shared with our K-8 PTA leadership teams in a March meeting, as we partner together to improve and increase family engagement.

    Panorama Family Survey Takeaways

    Survey responses provided valuable feedback around several aspects of family engagement and school fit, such as: 

    • 76% of families see our schools as a good fit for their culture background
    • 88% of families feel their child has (some, quite a bit, tremendous) sense of belonging; with 26% only feeling “some” sense of belonging
    • 48% of families indicate that their student is (quite, extremely) comfortable asking for help from school adults
    • 61% of families indicated that they visited their child’s school every few months, monthly or weekly; 60% of families identified busyness as a barrier to more involvement
    • Open-ended comments indicated restrictions from COVID still factored into feeling disconnected to their child’s school 

    Survey responses from parents/caregivers assist us in identifying “gaps” in our system, places for improvement, current practices, and adjusting strategies to ensure better outcomes for students. 

    Thank You for Your Continued Partnership

    We know that many families remain engaged with their schools through PTA-sponsored opportunities, evening events, co-curricular athletics and activities, volunteer opportunities both during and outside the school day, and so much more. We’re committed to increasing opportunities and access points for our families to continue being involved. Thank you for your generous and tireless support of our students, staff, and school communities. 


    Kathy Ludwig, Superintendent

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  • Welcome Back 2022-23

    Posted by Kathy Ludwig on 8/29/2022 8:00:00 AM

    Dear WLWV Community,

    It is with great excitement and anticipation that I welcome all of our students, staff, families, and community members to the 2022-23 school year. 

    As we get ready to embark on another school year together, I would like to share this year’s theme: Belief and Belonging. In West Linn-Wilsonville, we strive to create learning communities that instill belief in our students and create a sense of belonging for everyone. We know from research and from personal experiences that students who feel connected to their school and confident in their abilities will thrive in the classroom, the community, and in life after public education.

    I have enjoyed seeing students and families at our Family Empowerment Center back-to-school resource event, new student orientations, and other back-to-school events. It is clear that West Linn-Wilsonville is a community bursting with support for our schools and our students.

    Please visit our district website and school websites to review important back-to-school information and do not hesitate to call your school offices or our district office if you need any information.  Thank you for partnering with us and learning with us. 

    We are excited for our first day of school, tomorrow August 30th, and for this new school year.


    Kathy Ludwig, Superintendent 

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  • End-of-Year Superintendent's Message

    Posted by Kathy Ludwig, Superintendent on 6/22/2022 2:00:00 PM

    Dear WLWV Community,

    As the school year winds down and we enter summer vacation, I feel enormous gratitude to be part of the West Linn-Wilsonville School District. 

    In another year that began with COVID-related challenges, our school communities not only persevered but our students and staff adapted to ever-changing circumstances and thrived! From state championships to international science fair and mock trial awards, music and drama productions, art and robotics accolades, student-led campaigns and initiatives, and so much more, our students showed the power of their creativity, intellect and strength in community. The growth that we witnessed both inside and outside of the classroom is truly exemplary. 

    All of the laughter, tears, trials, and triumphs built connections and relationships that were stronger than ever. While there is always work to do, we witnessed equity and inclusion of all students, and improvements to school culture.

    Coretta Scott King observed, “The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members.”  

    There are so many ways that we witnessed greatness through the compassionate actions of our community this school year: 

    • Parent organizations that creatively found ways to stay active in our schools and never waver on their support to students and staff.  
    • Community partners and their commitment to connecting students and families to resources and services through our Family Empowerment Center. 
    • Student outreach to local and international places in need 
    • Financial support of our entire community, which has allowed us to continue and complete safety and building upgrades to our schools through the 2019 capital bond. 
    • Respectful dialogue that our community showed one another and in our schools, as we navigated difficult conversations along the way.  
    • Celebrations of student accomplishments 

    As we finish strong, we generate hope and excitement for what’s to come next year. I’m excited to open our Chinese Dual Language Program alongside our strong Spanish program; to see the expansion of CTE pathways in our middle and high schools; to finalize construction of our new Athey Creek Middle School and Riverside High School; and to implement new programs that keeps our district progressive, relevant and so exceptional. 

    Please enjoy the summer weeks of rest and relaxation. We look forward to another great year of learning together in the fall.


    Kathy Ludwig, Superintendent

    Estimada Comunidad de WLWV,

    A medida que el año escolar se termina y entramos a las vacaciones de verano, siento una enorme gratitud de ser parte del Distrito Escolar West Linn-Wilsonville.

    En otro año que comenzó con retos relacionados al COVID, nuestras comunidades escolares no solamente perseveraron, pero nuestros estudiantes y personal se adaptaron a la fluidez de las circunstancias y aun así, ¡crecieron! Desde campeonatos estatales hasta feria de ciencias internacionales y premios en simulacro de juicios, música y producciones de drama, artes y elogios en robótica, campañas e iniciativas encabezadas por estudiantes, y mucho, mucho más, nuestros estudiantes mostraron el poder de su creatividad, intelecto y fortaleza en comunidad. El crecimiento del que fuimos testigos dentro y fuera del salón de clases es verdaderamente ejemplar. 

    Todas las risas, lágrimas, pruebas y triunfos, generaron conexiones y relaciones que fueron más fuertes que nunca. Mientras que siempre hay trabajo que hacer, fuimos testigos de equidad e inclusión de todos los estudiantes y mejoras a la cultura escolar. 

    Coretta Scott King observó, “La grandeza de una comunidad es más fielmente medida por los actos compasivos de sus miembros”. (“The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members.”

    Hay muchas maneras en las cuales fuimos testigos de grandeza a través de acciones comprensivas por parte de nuestra comunidad este año escolar:

    • Las organizaciones de padres que encontraron maneras creativas para permanecer activos en nuestras escuelas y nunca titubear en su respaldo a los estudiantes y personal. 
    • Colaboradores de la Comunidad y su compromiso para conectar a estudiantes y familias a recursos y servicios a través de nuestro Centro de Motivación Familiar.  
    • El acercamiento de los estudiantes a lugares locales e internacionales en necesidad.  
    • Respaldo financiero a toda nuestra comunidad, lo cual nos ha permitido continuar y completar las actualizaciones de seguridad y edificios en nuestras escuelas a través del Bono Capital 2019.
    • Diálogo respetuoso que nuestra comunidad demostró uno al otro y en nuestras escuelas, al navegar conversaciones difíciles durante este trayecto. 
    • Celebración de logros de los estudiantes. 

    Al estar terminando de manera sólida, generamos esperanza y emoción para lo que ha de venir el siguiente año. Estoy emocionada de abrir nuestro Programa de Lenguaje Dual en Chino, junto a nuestro ya establecido programa en español; ver la expansión de los programas de CTE en nuestras escuelas secundarias y preparatorias; finalizar la construcción de nuestra nueva Escuela Secundaria Athey Creek y la Preparatoria Riverside; e implementar nuevos programas que mantengan a nuestro distrito progresivo, relevante y tan excepcional. 

    Por favor, disfrute las semanas de verano en descanso y relajación. Esperamos otro gran año de aprendizaje juntos en otoño. 


    Kathy Ludwig, Superintendente

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  • February 24 Update to Masking Guidelines

    Posted by Kathy Ludwig on 2/24/2022 5:00:00 PM

    On Feb. 24, the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) made an announcement lifting the indoor mask mandate for all indoor spaces including K12 schools, effective March 19, 2022 based on current modeling from Oregon Health and Sciences University (OHSU) that indicates hospitalizations will fall below 400 or fewer Oregonians per day by March 19. 

    With this announcement, the Oregon Department of Education will update the language about indoor face masks in the Ready Schools, Safe Learners Resiliency Framework (RSSL). 

    WLWV: Masks Strongly Advised But Not Required After March 19, 2022

    The West Linn-Wilsonville School Board voted in July to follow the RSSL guidance for the 2021-2022 school year. This means that wearing masks will be strongly advised but not required in West Linn-Wilsonville schools after March 19.  State officials continue to strongly recommend universal masking in K-12 settings because these settings bring together vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals, as well as individuals who are at higher risk for severe COVID-19 illness.

    The district will continue to monitor updates from Clackamas County Health as we near March 19 and will provide more information for families as that date approaches.

    Enrolling in the Online Academy

    Families who are uncomfortable continuing in-person learning without indoor masking may enroll in the Online Academy (WKOA). Secondary students (middle/high school) are encouraged to enroll in WKOA as soon as possible. If a transition to WKOA is something your family is considering, please contact your school right away to begin planning for the transition period.

    Remember, We are a Community of Care and Connection

    Students, staff and volunteers may continue wearing masks at school even after March 19, 2022. The West Linn-Wilsonville district and schools will continue to ensure PPE is available to staff and students; effective air flow and ventilation are maintained in buildings; and cohorts remain in place where possible. 

    The District will continue to uphold and foster a culture of inclusion, respect, equity and care for every member as they make their own personal health decisions. There will be no tolerance for verbal taunts or othering behaviors based on how people make a decision regarding their own personal health.  We appreciate that our community chooses to model respectful, civil and safe engagement with one another. 


    Kathy Ludwig, Superintendent

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  • Health and Safety Updates

    Posted by West Linn-Wilsonville on 8/27/2021 4:00:00 PM

    Dear West Linn-Wilsonville Families,

    We are looking forward to our start to school on Wednesday, September 8. Our full staff will be at work next week preparing for our students’ return. Our priority remains having in-person school, five full days, all day, all year long. Here are ways we can all support a healthy and safe 2021-2022 school year. 

    Staying Healthy Starts at Home

    Here are ways our families can help us keep our school learning environment as safe as possible for in-person learning this year:

    • Keep your child home from school if they are not feeling well. If your child is showing COVID-19 symptoms (cough, difficulty breathing, fever, chills, fatigue) please keep them at home and consult a health care provider whether to test for COVID-19.
    • If your child tests positive for COVID-19, they will need to isolate, generally at home, and not be at school under any circumstances. Under CDC guidelines, patients should isolate for at least 10 days or until their symptoms have cleared up, whichever is longer. At that point, they do not need a test in order to end isolation and return to school.
    • Students who prefer to remain at home learning online during the 2021-2022 school year may enroll through their school, for the district’s Online Academy

    Staying Healthy While at School

    Here are ways our district is committed to keeping the school learning environment as safe as possible for in-person learning this year:

    • All school staff and students will wear face coverings while indoors during the school day and on bus transportation.
    • All school employees and volunteers working in our schools will be vaccinated against COVID-19 by October 18, 2021, unless they meet the exemption criteria. 
    • All school buildings will maintain effective ventilation to improve the indoor air quality.
    • All schools will support and promote physical distancing during daily activities and instruction, maintaining at least 3 feet between students to the extent possible. 
    • Primary schools will maintain classroom cohorts throughout the school day (class, lunch, recess); secondary school classrooms and school buses will utilize assigned seating so that students have stable groups when in an enclosed, shared space. 
    • Key times for handwashing and access to hand sanitizer will be ensured. 
    • Isolation and quarantine protocols will be implemented through the authority of Clackamas County Public Health Department.

    Are Students Required to be COVID Vaccinated for School?

    No, students are not required to be vaccinated. The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) continues to encourage vaccinations as one of the most effective ways to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and variants. Students who have been vaccinated for COVID-19 and were exposed to someone with the virus will not need to quarantine if they are without symptoms. Unvaccinated students will need to quarantine if exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 unless they were able to maintain at least 3 feet of distance, were wearing a mask at the time of exposure, and are not exhibiting any symptoms. To assist with contact tracing and quarantine requirements, students’ vaccination status will be checked by the district nursing staff. 

    Are Vaccinations Required for Volunteers?

    Yes, all volunteers in Oregon’s K-12 schools are required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by October 18. At this time, the WLWV school district is limiting volunteers to those approved by the principal and essential to the operation of the school. A visitor who only enters a school office or district office for a short period of time (drop-and-go) does not need to be vaccinated.

    Masks Required for Outdoor Sports and School Activities

    Effective today, August 27, Oregon has enacted a statewide outdoor mask requirement.
    The outdoor mask mandate does apply to:

    • All coaches, volunteers, and spectators who are in attendance at sports activities, competitions and other co-curricular events. 
    • Outdoor school events such as back-to-school celebrations, performances, and any PTA or Booster-sponsored activities. 
    • Individuals do not need to wear face coverings if they are able to maintain more than 6 feet of distance at all times. 

    The outdoor mask mandate does not apply to:

    • Outdoor recess, meals, PE or school activities during the school day.
    • Students engaged in athletic practice or competition, when playing a musical instrument requiring the mouth, or when giving a speech or performing. 

    Staying Informed is Key

    We know there is an abundance of information regarding current, new and changing safety measures. The Oregon Health Authority and Clackamas County Public Health Department also maintain accurate and updated information as well as a COVID-19 Data Dashboard. 

    For more information about 2021-22 school year frequently asked questions, please visit the district website.


    Kathy Ludwig, Superintendent

    Estimadas Familias de West Linn-Wilsonville,

    Estamos esperando nuestro comienzo de clases el miércoles 8 de septiembre. Todo nuestro personal estará trabajando la siguiente semana preparándose para el regreso de nuestros estudiantes. Nuestra prioridad es la asistencia en persona, cinco días completos, todo el día, todo el año. Aquí están algunas formas de ayudar a tener un año escolar 2021-2022 seguro y saludable.

    Permaneciendo saludable comienza en casa

    Aquí están algunas maneras en las cuales nuestras familias nos pueden ayudar a mantenernos en nuestro medio ambiente de aprendizaje escolar, tan seguro como sea posible aprendiendo en persona este año: 

    • Mantenga a su estudiante en casa si ellos no se sienten bien. Si su estudiante está mostrando síntomas de COVID-19 (tos, dificultad para respirar, fiebre, escalofríos, fatiga), por favor manténgalo en casa y consulte a su proveedor de salud para ver si hay que realizar un examen de COVID-19.
    • Si su estudiante sale positivo en el examen para COVID-19, ellos necesitaran aislarse, generalmente en casa, y no estar en la escuela bajo ninguna circunstancia. Bajo las guías del CDC, los pacientes deben aislarse por lo menos 10 días o hasta que los síntomas se hayan retirado, cualquiera que tome más tiempo. Al llegar a ese momento, no necesitan de un examen para terminar el aislamiento y regresar a la escuela. 
    • Los estudiantes que prefieran permanecer en casa aprendiendo durante el año escolar 2021-2022, pueden inscribirse a través de su escuela para la Academia en Línea del distrito. 

    Manteniéndose saludable mientras se está en la escuela

    Aquí están algunas maneras que nuestro distrito está comprometido a mantener el medio ambiente de aprendizaje de la escuela, tan seguro como sea posible para el aprendizaje en persona este año:

    • Todo el personal y estudiantes usarán máscaras faciales mientras estén dentro de la escuela durante clases y en la transportación por autobús. 
    • Todos los empleados y voluntarios trabajando en nuestras escuelas estarán vacunados contra el COVID-19 no más tarde del 18 de octubre de 2021, a menos que cumplan con los criterios de dispensa.
    • Todos los edificios de las escuelas mantendrán ventilación efectiva, para mejorar la calidad del aire en el interior. 
    • Todas las escuelas respaldarán y promoverán distancia física, durante las actividades diarias y de instrucción, manteniendo cuando menos 3 pies entre estudiantes en lo que más sea posible. 
    • Las escuelas primarias mantendrán cohortes en clases a través del día de escuela (clase, almuerzo, recreo); los salones de clases de secundaria y camiones utilizaran un asiento asignado para que los estudiantes se mantengan en grupos estables en espacios compartidos que sean cerrados. 
    • Se asegurará que se tengan tiempos apropiados para el lavado y desinfectante de manos. 
    • Se implementarán protocolos de cuarentena e aislamiento a través de la autoridad del Departamento de Salud Pública del Condado de Clackamas.

    ¿Se requiere que los estudiantes estén vacunados por COVID para estar en la escuela?

    No, no se requiere que los estudiantes estén vacunados. La Autoridad de Salud de Oregon (OHA) continúa recomendando la vacunación como una de las maneras más efectivas para reducir la propagación de COVID-19 y sus variantes. Los estudiantes que han sido vacunados por COVID-19 y fueron expuestos a alguien con el virus no necesitan ponerse en cuarentena si están sin síntomas. Los estudiantes que no estén vacunados, necesitarán ponerse en cuarentena si fueron expuestos a alguien que ha dado positivo por COVID-19, a menos que pudieron mantener la distancia de al menos 3 pies, estaban usando máscara en el momento de exposición y no están exhibiendo síntomas. Para asistir con el seguimiento de contacto y requerimientos de cuarentena, el estatus de vacunación de los estudiantes será revisado por el personal de enfermería del distrito. 

    ¿Se requiere de vacunación para voluntarios?

    Si, todos los voluntarios de las escuelas en Oregon de K-12, se requiere que estén totalmente vacunados en contra de COVID-19 para el 18 de octubre. En este momento, el distrito escolar de WLWV está limitando a voluntarios a aquellos aprobados por el director y que son esenciales para la operación de la escuela. Un visitante que solo entra a la oficina de la escuela o del distrito por un periodo de tiempo corto (dejar algo e irse), no necesita ser vacunado. 

    Se requiere el uso de máscaras para los deportes al exterior y actividades escolares

    Efectivo el día de hoy, 27 de agosto, Oregon ha decretado un requerimiento para todo el estado de uso de máscaras

    El mandato de máscaras en el exterior aplica a:

    • Todos los entrenadores, voluntarios y espectadores que están asistiendo a las actividades deportivas, competencias y otros eventos co-curriculares
    • Actividades escolares al exterior tales como, celebraciones de regreso a clases, actuaciones, y cualquier actividad patrocinada por PTA o respaldado por patrocinadores.
    • Los individuos no necesitan usar cubiertas faciales si pueden mantener más de 6 pies de distancia en todo momento. 

    El mandato de máscaras en el exterior no aplica a 

    • Recreo en el exterior, almuerzos, PE o actividades escolares durante el día. 
    • Estudiantes integrados a práctica atlética o competencia, cuando estén tocando un instrumento musical que requiera uso de la boca, o cuando den un discurso o estén actuando. 

    El mantenerse informado es clave

    Sabemos que hay una abundancia de información en referencia a medidas de seguridad actuales, nuevas y cambiantes. La Autoridad de Salubridad de Oregon (OHA) y el Departamento de Salud Pública del Condado de Clackamas también mantienen información exacta y actualizada, así como una página con información de COVID-19.

    Para mayor información acerca de las preguntas más frecuentemente hechas sobre el año escolar 2021-22, por favor, visite el sitio web del distrito


    Kathy Ludwig, Superintendente

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  • Reopening Schools in Fall 2021: Update on Face Coverings

    Posted by West Linn-Wilsonville on 7/13/2021 2:00:00 PM

    Dear West Linn-Wilsonville School Community,

    Last night, the School Board approved staff recommendations for the 2021-2022 school year based on updated Ready Schools, Safe Learners guidance

    The following are key health and safety updates, effective July 19th, and in place for the 2021-2022 school year. 

    Face Coverings Strongly Advised, No Longer Required

    In alignment with the Oregon Health Authority and Oregon Department of Education, face coverings will be strongly advised but not required during the school day for all PK-12 students and staff. Students and staff who have not been vaccinated are strongly advised to continue wearing face coverings when inside buildings. 

    District staff will continue to work with students and families to ensure:

    • District, school, and classroom culture respects each person’s health and safety needs and preferences. No individual will be harassed or singled out based on their decision regarding face coverings.
    •  Face coverings will continue to be made available to students and staff.
    •  Certain accommodations for medical needs or disabilities will be provided.

    Physical Distancing Maintained to the Extent Possible, No Longer Required

    OHA and ODE strongly advise that schools support and promote physical distancing in all daily activities and instruction, maintaining 3 feet between students to the extent possible. Physical distancing for students and staff in the West Linn-Wilsonville School District will be maintained to the extent possible but will no longer be required.

    Physical distancing of desks, floor markers, and one-way traffic in hallways will no longer be required, but personal distance preferences will continue to be respected. 

    District staff will continue to work with all families to ensure:

    • District, school, and classroom culture respects each person’s health and safety needs and preferences. No individual will be harassed or singled out based on their decision regarding physical distancing.
    • Certain accommodations for medical needs or disabilities will be provided.

    Updates to the Use of Cohorts, Isolation and Quarantine Protocols

    Primary schools will continue to use classroom cohorts for students to the extent possible.  The A/B cohort rotation will no longer be used. Instead all students will attend each day, every day.  However, classroom groups (e.g. Ms. Jones’ 2nd grade class) will stay intact for specials like PE, Music, Library and to the extent possible with recess and lunch to start the school year.  As contact tracing expectations loosen in our county, so will efforts to maintain classroom cohorts during lunch and recess. Maintaining single class cohorts will no longer be required for middle or high schools.

    The West Linn-Wilsonville School District will continue to follow all local public health authority guidance and requirements regarding COVID-19 isolation and quarantine procedures. Schools will continue to communicate with families using established protocols in the event of a positive case of COVID-19 or possible exposure. The District will no longer provide OHA-sponsored COVID-19 testing at school sites.

    Vaccinations, Handwashing and Ventilation Updates

    According to the Ready Schools, Safe Learners Resiliency Framework, getting vaccinated against COVID-19 is the best way to stop the pandemic. The West Linn-Wilsonville School District recognizes that the opportunity for vaccination is currently only approved for adults and children age 12 and over. Additionally, some staff, students, and school community members may not or cannot be vaccinated due to medical, religious, or personal reasons. The District has provided its facilities for free vaccination clinics and will continue to make this service available in partnership with health care clinics and the local public health authority in the future. 

    The West Linn-Wilsonville School District will continue to implement protocols and systems to ensure students and staff have access to soap, water, and alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Schools will continue to prioritize handwashing throughout the day as appropriate. The District will continue to remind and encourage families to screen their students prior to every school day and to keep students home if they are exhibiting symptoms of illness. 

    The West Linn-Wilsonville School District will also continue to ensure effective ventilation and will improve the indoor air quality in schools by:

    • Continuing the amount of fresh outside air that is introduced into the system;
    • Exhausting air from indoors to the outdoors;
    • Maintaining a climate level that balances comfort and safety within a classroom and building;
    • Cleaning the air that is recirculated indoors with effective filtration methods to remove virus-containing particles from the air.

    Interested families can read the complete list of recommendations on the district website.

    Updates Included Feedback from Stakeholder Groups

    The recommendations to the Board were a result of thorough analysis of the updated June 25 Ready Schools, Safe Learners Resiliency Framework, community feedback, meetings with district stakeholder groups, and consultation with the Clackamas County Public Health Department. All recommendations are in alignment with the Oregon Department of Education, Oregon Health Authority, and our local public health authority.

    We wish to thank all of our families for their patience and partnership during this past school year, and for providing thoughtful and critical input these past few weeks. We understand that families’ comfort level with COVID-19 health and safety measures varies, and we are committed to creating learning environments that provide flexibility for every child and family. 

    Enrollment for 2021-2022 School Year

    We are excited to welcome students back for five full days of instruction with the health and safety strategies outlined above. We encourage new or returning families to complete their online registration if they have not already.

    Families who are interested in enrolling in the WLWV K12 Online Academy for the 2021-2022 school year can learn more by visiting the WKOA website. District staff hosted an information session on June 29 providing an overview for what the Academy will look like during the 2021-22 school year. Families can review the video recording of the information session and can contact their school principal if they are interested in enrolling in the WLWV K12 Online Academy. There is currently no deadline to enroll.

    Please continue to look for district and school news throughout the summer. We are eager to welcome students back in September.


    Kathy Ludwig, Superintendent

    Estimada Comunidad Escolar de West Linn-Wilsonville,

    Anoche, el Consejo Ejecutivo Escolar, aprobó las recomendaciones del personal para el año escolar 2021-2022, basadas en las guías actualizadas de Escuelas Preparadas, Estudiantes Seguros.

    Las siguientes son actualizaciones claves de seguridad y salud, efectivas el 19 de julio, y puestas en lugar para el año escolar 2021-2022.

    Cubiertas Faciales Firmemente Recomendadas, ya no son requeridas

    En alineamiento con la Autoridad de Salubridad de Oregon y el Departamento de Educación de Oregon, las cubiertas faciales serán firmemente recomendadas pero no requeridas durante el día de escuela para todos los estudiantes PK-12 y personal. Los estudiantes y personal que no han sido vacunados, se les aconseja firmemente el continuar usando las cubiertas faciales cuando estén en el interior de los edificios. 

    El personal del Distrito continuará trabajando con estudiantes y familias para asegurarse de que:

    • El Distrito, escuela y cultura de la clase, respete las necesidades y preferencias de salud y seguridad personales. No se acosará o señalará a un individuo, basado en su decisión en referencia a las cubiertas faciales. 
    • Las cubiertas faciales continuarán estando disponibles a los estudiantes y personal.
    • Ciertas ubicaciones por necesidades médicas o discapacidades serán proporcionadas.

    Se mantendrá la distancia física en la medida de lo posible, ya no es requerida

    La OHA y ODE, aconsejan firmemente que las escuelas respalden y promuevan la distancia física en todas las actividades e instrucciones diarias, manteniendo 3 pies entre estudiantes, en la medida de lo posible. La distancia física para los estudiantes y personal en el Distrito Escolar de West Linn-Wilsonville será mantenido pero ya no será requerido. 

    La distancia física de las mesas, las marcas en los pisos, y el tráfico de una vía en pasillos ya no será requerido, pero las preferencias de distancia personal continuarán siendo respetadas. 

    El personal del distrito continuará trabajando con todas las familias para asegurarse de que:

    • El Distrito, escuela y cultura de la clase, respete las necesidades y preferencias de salud y seguridad personales. No se acosará o señalará a un individuo, basado en su decisión en referencia a la distancia física. 
    • Ciertas ubicaciones por necesidades médicas o discapacidades serán proporcionadas.

    Actualizaciones para el uso de Cohortes, Aislamiento y Protocolos de Cuarentena

    Las escuelas primarias continuarán el uso de cohortes para los estudiantes en la medida de lo posible. La rotación de Cohorte A/B, ya no será usada, en vez, los estudiantes asistirán cada día, todos los días. Sin embargo, los grupos de salón de clases (ej. la clase de la Srita. Jones de 2° grado), permanecerá intacta para las clases de especiales como Educación Física, Música, Biblioteca y en la medida de lo posible con recreos y almuerzos para comenzar el año escolar. En referencia a la relajación del rastreo de contactos en nuestro condado, así serán los esfuerzos de mantener las cohortes de salón de clases durante almuerzo y recreo. El mantenimiento de cohortes de clases únicas, ya no será requerida para las escuelas secundarias y preparatorias. 

    El Distrito Escolar de West Linn-Wilsonville continuará siguiendo todas las guías y requerimientos de la autoridad local de salud pública en referencia a los procedimiento de aislamiento y cuarentena de COVID-19. Las escuelas continuarán comunicándose con las familias usando los protocolos establecidos en el evento de un caso positivo de COVID-19 o posible exposición. El distrito ya no proporcionará exámenes patrocinados por OHA para COVID-19 en las escuelas. 


    Actualizaciones sobre Vacunación, Lavado de Manos y Ventilación

    De acuerdo con el Marco de Trabajo de Resilencia de Escuelas Preparadas, Estudiantes Seguros, vacunarse contra el COVID-19 es la mejor manera de parar la pandemia. El Distrito West Linn-Wilsonville, reconoce que la oportunidad de vacunación está actualmente solamente aprobada para adultos y niños de 12 años en adelante. Adicionalmente, algunos miembros del personal, estudiantes y miembros de la comunidad escolar no pueden ser vacunados debido a razones médicas, religiosas o personales. El distrito ha proporcionado sus instalaciones para clínicas de vacunación y lo continuará haciendo disponible en colaboración con clínicas de salud y autoridades de salud pública en el futuro. 

    El Distrito Escolar West Linn-Wilsonville continuará implementando protocolos y sistemas para asegurarse de que los estudiantes y personal tengan acceso a jabón, agua y desinfectante de manos basado en alcohol. Las escuelas continuarán dando prioridad al lavado de manos durante el día como sea apropiado. El Distrito continuará recordando y animando a las familias a revisar a sus estudiantes antes de cada día de escuela y mantener a estos en casa si están exhibiendo síntomas de enfermedad. 

    El Distrito Escolar West Linn-Wilsonville, continuara tambien, asegurandose de una ventilación efectiva y mejorará la calidad de aire del interior en las escuelas al:

    • Continuar la cantidad de aire fresco del exterior que es insertado en el sistema;
    • Extrayendo el aire del interior al exterior;
    • Manteniendo el nivel de climatización que balancea la comodidad y seguridad dentro del salón de clases y el edificio;
    • Limpiando el aire que es recirculado en interiores con métodos efectivos de filtración para remover las partículas que contienen virus del aire. 

    Las familias interesadas pueden leer la lista completa de recomendaciones en el sitio web del distrito

    Actualizaciones Incluidas por la retroalimentación de los Grupos Interesados

    Las recomendaciones del Consejo Ejecutivo, fueron el resultado de un análisis completo del Marco de Trabajo de Resilencia de Escuelas Preparadas, Estudiantes Seguros, retroalimentación de la comunidad, reuniones con grupos de interés del distrito, y consultas con el Departamento de Salud Pública del Condado de Clackamas. Todas las recomendaciones están en alineamiento con el Departamento de Educación de Oregon, con la Autoridad de Salubridad de Oregon, y nuestra autoridad local de salud pública. 

    Les deseamos a todas nuestras familias por su paciencia y colaboración durante este pasado año escolar, y por proporcionar una opinión crítica y profunda en estas pasadas semanas. Entendemos que el nivel de comodidad de las familias con la salud de COVID-19 y medidas de seguridad varía, y estamos comprometidos a crear medio ambientes de aprendizaje que proporcionen flexibilidad para cada estudiante y familia. 

    Inscripciones para el Año Escolar 2021-2022

    Estamos emocionados de darle la bienvenida de vuelta a los estudiantes a los cinco días completos de instrucción, con las estrategias de salud y seguridad, delineadas previamente. Le animamos a las familias que regresan o que son nuevas, a completar su registro en línea.

    Las familias que están interesadas en inscribirse para la Academia en Línea WLWV K12 para el año escolar 2020-2022, pueden aprender más al visitar el sitio web de WKOA. El personal de distrito organizó una sesión informativa el 29 de junio, proporcionando un panorama general para lo que será la Academia durante el año escolar 2021-2022. Las familias pueden revisar la grabación del video de la sesión informativa y pueden contactar al director de la escuela si están interesados para inscribirse en la Academia en Línea WLWV K12. Actualmente no hay una fecha límite para inscribirse. 

    Por favor continúe esperando noticias del distrito y escuela durante el verano. Estamos animados de darles la bienvenida a los estudiantes en septiembre.


    Kathy Ludwig, Superintendente

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  • End of School Year: Message from the Superintendent

    Posted by West Linn-Wilsonville on 6/22/2021 1:00:00 PM

    Dear West Linn-Wilsonville Families,

    As I visited schools this morning, watching students in their final routines of the year, saying goodbye to friends, teachers, and other school staff before heading off for summer vacation, I found myself reflecting on our journey this school year.  

    Looking Back

    There were many, many challenges this year, and yet our school communities persevered. Our community, families, staff, and especially our students adapted to ever-changing circumstances. Over the course of the year, students shared stories with us of how they learned new hobbies, became closer to their parents or siblings, or made new friends, met new neighbors, discovered new hiking trails, or new artistic mediums. Some of them learned a new instrument or wrote songs, others bravely sang aloud for the first time. Our students learned that they could persevere, could cope, could re-discover, could invent, could be more resilient. They learned they could be more confident for whatever next year or life had in store. 

    Because of our community support, we were able to open and operate the WLWV K12 Online Program, now called the WLWV Online Academy, where students learned in new ways through digital curriculum. Our school district launched the Family Empowerment Center, making powerful connections between students, families, and community resources. Additionally, our staff and students pushed forward with equity and inclusion work, ensuring safe and welcoming schools for all children. 

    It would be easy to look back and say, “we’re glad that’s over”. And while that sentiment is certainly understandable, we also have the opportunity to look back and ask, “what can we learn from this year that makes us better?” We learned to break from some long-standing traditions, inviting new ways to celebrate. We learned new digital platforms and allowed students to show us their thinking in broader ways. We gave students more opportunities to revise, rethink, review and take more time to show us their learning. We noticed that more families participated in conferences and meetings through the convenience of Zoom than in-person appointments. We prioritized care and connection to our students and families through social-emotional lessons, home visits, virtual outreach, and phone calls. We became more flexible, patient and innovative educators and more responsive to the needs of our community. These are changes we need to keep a hold of and not let go next year.  

    Looking Forward

    While there are still some unknowns as we await final guidance from the Oregon Department of Education for the 2021-22 school year, we do know that we will be able to return to a certain level of normalcy in the fall. Students will be in school five days a week with the regular school schedule that our families are accustomed to, and we anticipate that many of our typical school protocols and traditions will return to what they were pre-pandemic. We will continue to keep you updated this summer regarding health and safety protocols for the fall.

    As a reminder, students have two options for the fall, 2021-2022. Each school will offer five full days of in-person instruction next school year. Interested students may also choose to enroll in the WLWV K12 Online Academy (WKOA). 

    The district will hold a WKOA information session on Tuesday, June 29, for all interested families. Staff will provide an overview of the Academy and what students can expect next school year. For meeting information, please visit the district website. This meeting will be recorded.

    Thank You for Your Support

    Throughout the 2020-21 school year, I asked our community to lead forward even during our most challenging times. And you did! Our parents and patrons sponsored food drives, school supplies, wildfire refuge, winter storm safety and relief, drive-by donations, equity summits, vaccination clinics and more. Through our Online Program, Comprehensive Distance Learning, and Hybrid Model, we completed this journey and we are stronger for it. 

    Mother Teresa reminds us, “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”  

    Thank you, each of you, for doing your part this year in supporting our students, our staff, our schools. Thank you for “casting your stone” and making a difference. Thank you for your partnership, your steadfast support, your grace, and for your patience amidst it all. 

    Please find time to rest and enjoy these next few weeks of summer vacation. We look forward to welcoming students back on September 7.


    Kathy Ludwig, Superintendent

    Estimadas Familias de West Linn-Wilsonville,

    Al estar visitando escuelas esta mañana, viendo a los estudiantes en sus rutinas finales del año escolar, diciendo “adiós” a sus amigos, maestros, y otro personal de las escuelas antes de salir para las vacaciones de verano, me encuentro reflexionando sobre nuestro viaje este año escolar. 

    Mirando hacia atrás

    Hubo muchos, muchos retos este año, y aun así, nuestras comunidades escolares perseveraron. Nuestra comunidad, familias, personal, y especialmente nuestros estudiantes se adaptaron a las circunstancias constantemente cambiantes. En el curso del año, los estudiantes compartieron historias con nosotros de cómo aprendieron nuevos pasatiempos, se acercaron más a sus padres o hermanos, o hicieron nuevos amigos, conocieron a nuevos vecinos, descubrieron nuevos senderos para caminar, o medios artísticos nuevos. Algunos de ellos aprendieron nuevos instrumentos o escribieron canciones, otros cantaron en voz alta con valentía por primera vez. Nuestros estudiantes aprendieron que ellos pueden perseverar, superar, redescubrir, inventar, ser más resilientes. Aprendieron que pueden estar más confiados en lo que sea la vida o el próximo año les tenga esperando. 

    Debido al respaldo de nuestra comunidad, pudimos abrir y operar el Programa de WLWV K12 en Línea, ahora llamado Academia de WLWV en Línea, donde los estudiantes aprendieron en nuevas formas a través del currículum digital. Nuestro distrito escolar lanzó el Centro de Motivacion Familiar, haciendo poderosas conexiones entre los estudiantes, familias y recursos comunitarios. Adicionalmente, nuestro personal y estudiantes avanzaron con equidad y trabajo inclusivo, asegurando escuelas seguras y cordiales para todos nuestros estudiantes. 

    Sería muy fácil ver hacia atrás y decir, “estamos contentos de que se haya acabado”. Mientras que el sentimiento es ciertamente entendible, también tenemos la oportunidad de mirar hacia atrás y preguntarnos, “¿qué podemos aprender de este año que nos hace mejores?”. Aprendimos a romper con algunas tradiciones de largo tiempo, invitando nuevas maneras de celebrar. Aprendimos nuevas plataformas digitales y permitimos a los estudiantes demostrarnos sus maneras más amplias de pensar. Le dimos a los estudiantes más oportunidades de revisar, pensar otra vez, revisar y tomarse más tiempo para mostrarnos su aprendizaje. Notamos que más familias participaron en conferencias y reuniones a través de la conveniencia de Zoom, que en citas en persona. Le dimos prioridad a la conexión y atención a nuestros estudiantes y familias a través de lecciones socio-emocionales, visitas a casa, alcance virtual, llamadas telefónicas. Llegamos a ser educadores más flexibles, pacientes e innovadores, y más receptivos a las necesidades de nuestra comunidad. Estos son cambios que necesitamos retener y no dejar ir el siguiente año.

    Mirando hacia adelante

    Mientras existan todavía algunas incógnitas, al estar esperando la guías finales del Departamento de Educación de Oregon para el año escolar  2021-22, sabemos que podremos regresar con cierto nivel de normalidad en el otoño. Los estudiantes estarán en la escuela cinco días a la semana con su horario regular de escuela, al que nuestras familias están acostumbradas, y anticipamos que muchos de nuestros protocolos típicos y tradiciones, regresarán a lo que eran en pre-pandemia. Continuaremos manteniéndolos actualizados este verano en referencia a los protocolos de salud y seguridad para el otoño. 

    Como recordatorio, los estudiantes tienen dos opciones para el otoño, 2021-2022. Cada escuela ofrecerá cinco días completos de instrucción en persona para el siguiente año escolar. Los estudiantes interesados pueden también elegir el inscribirse en la Academia de WLWV K12 en Linea (WLWV K12 Online Academy, WKOA)

    El distrito tendrá una sesión de información para WKOA el jueves 29 de junio, para todos las familias interesadas. El personal proporcionará una vista general de la Academia y que es lo que los estudiantes pueden esperar el siguiente año escolar. Para información sobre la reunión, por favor visite el sitio web del distrito. Esta reunión será grabada. 

    Gracias por su Apoyo

    A través del año escolar 2020-21, le pregunté a nuestra comunidad el liderar el camino, aun durante nuestros tiempos más retadores. ¡Ustedes lo hicieron! Nuestros padres y patrones patrocinaron colecta de alimentos, artículos escolares, refugio debido al fuego, ayuda y seguridad en la tormenta de invierno, depósito de donaciones, juntas cumbres de equidad, clínicas de vacunación y más. Con nuestro Programa en Línea, Aprendizaje a Distancia Integral, y Modelo Híbrido, completamos este viaje y somos más fuertes debido a eso. 

    La Madre Teresa nos recuerda, “Sola no puedo cambiar el mundo, pero puedo arrojar una piedra en las aguas para crear mucho movimiento”.

    Gracias, a cada uno de ustedes, por hacer su parte este año al respaldar a nuestros estudiantes, personal y escuelas. Gracias por “arrojar su piedra” y hacer una diferencia. Gracias por su colaboración, su respaldo inquebrantable, su gracia y por su paciencia en medio de todo. 

    Por favor encuentre tiempo para descansar y disfrutar nuestras siguientes semanas de vacaciones de verano. Esperamos dar la bienvenida a nuestros estudiantes el 7 de septiembre. 


    Kathy Ludwig, Superintendente

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