- West Linn - Wilsonville School District
- Instruction
- Handbooks & Resources
Teaching and Learning
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Handbooks & Resources
Helping Your Child to Succeed
The following documents may be helpful to parents in assisting and encouraging their children to perform well in school.
Handbooks and other resources:
- Preschool Handbook
- Kindergarten Handbook
- Manual para el jardín de niños (Kindergarten)
- Primary Math Parent Brochure
- 2007 Primary Math Handbook
- 2002 Primary Math Handbook
- Manual de Matematicas (Escuela Primaria ) (2002)
- Teacher-Librarian Handbook
- Primary Writing Pamphlet
- West Linn High School Student Handbook (visit West Linn HS site for current version)
- Wilsonville High School Student Rights & Responsibilities Handbook (visit Wilsonville HS site for current version)
- WLWV Guide to Student Rights and Responsibilities (Updated 9-15-17)
- WLWV Guia de Derechos y Responsabilidades del Estudiante (Actualizado 9-15-17)
Online ResourcesVisit the Online Resources webpage for access to the district digital libraries, school online card catalog systems, and Wellness Online system.
Enrichment Resources
The Portland, Oregon area provides many excellent opportunities to extend and enhance your child's educational experiences (exhibits, classes, camps) and easily allows parent and family involvement where desired. Additionally, there are Internet resources providing academic activities which may be helpful and fun for students. The following list will get you started.
- Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI)
- Portland Children's Museum
- Columbia Gorge Discovery Center
- Oregon Zoo
- World Forestry Center Discovery Museum
- Portland Art Museum
- Oregon Historical Society/Oregon History Museum
For a complete list of museums across Oregon, check Oregon Museums Association (OMA) website.
The Performing Arts:
- Portland Opera (also Broadway Across America Portland series)
- Oregon Children's Theatre
- Northwest Children's Theatre and School
- Krayon Kids Musical Theatre Company
- Metropolitan Youth Symphony
- Portland Youth Philharmonic Association
- Oregon Symphony
- CREST (West Linn-Wilsonville School District environmental education center offering outreach and on-site programs for students K-12)
- Saturday Academy (offers classes for 2nd - 12th grade students; taught by professionals, are small in size (usually around 10 students))
- Hands on Greater Portland (organization that pairs youth & adults with volunteering opportunities that match their special interests)
- Preschool Handbook