Home Instruction

  • Guiding Principles

    Our district mission is to continually ask the question, "How do we create learning communities for the greatest thinkers and most thoughtful people...for the world?"  As such, we recognize the importance of each student's learning experience being nested in their school where they may learn with peers. However, there are rare circumstances where a student may be unable to attend school but is able to continue their education. In these situations, the district may provide home instruction until the student is able to move to a less restrictive learning environment.



    Procedural Guidance 

    Eligible Students
    • Students who require individual instruction for medical reasons
      •  The family needs to provide a medical statement signed by a doctor or nurse practitioner stating the medical reasons that prevent the student from attending school, and that the student is medically able to participate in 1:1 instruction.
        • If a student's medical condition makes it difficult for them to come to school (e.g. anxiety), that does not mean that they are eligible for Home Instruction.
        • The threshold for Home Instruction is that it is medically necessary because the condition prevents the student from coming to school (e.g. a student with a compromised immune system).
      • The school nurse will facilitate communication between the doctor, the parents, and the school to verify the student's condition and recommendations for next educational steps.
      • The estimated time out of school needs to be greater than 30 days. For lesser periods of time, informal arrangements should be made with the student's teachers for completion of classroom work.
      • The student's situation should be coordinated by either the special education case manager (if SPED eligible) or school counselor (if on 504 plan). If not on IEP or 504 currently, the team should consider the need for a 504 plan.
    • Students served through special education whose educational placement has been selected as home instruction
      • A Student Services administrator must serve as district representative for teams making this decision.
    • Students currently expelled from school where home instruction was offered as an educational alternative
      • A copy of the expulsion letter should be sent to Student Services to verify.


    Content of Home Instruction
    • The number of hours per week for home instruction is assigned by the IEP/504 team (for students served by an IEP of 504). For other students, the hours of home instruction will be determined by the principal and Student Services administrator. 
    • Instruction is delivered by licensed teacher directly, or under the supervision of a licensed teacher by an instructional assistant.
    • Instruction may occur at a variety of locations, depending on the circumstances of the student and the availability of the instructor. Location could be a school, library, coffee shop or other agreeable location where other adults are present.
    • In very rare occasions, instruction may occur at the student's home if the student is medically restricted from leaving the residence. The parent or other adult would need to be present in these situations.
    • If at all possible, the instructor will provide access to current coursework in core classes only that the student would be taking at their neighborhood school.
    • The student's teachers may be asked to gather texts or materials for the home instructor to support the student staying connected to the current content and standards at school.
    • Grades should be submitted to the school case manager at the end of each educational term and when the home instruction is discontinued.


    • School Team verifies need and eligibility for home instruction (see above).
    • Teacher is selected  to deliver home instruction.
      • Building Principal attempts to select appropriate teacher who is willing to provide the instruction, then informs Student Services Office (this can be done in the notes section of the R-STOP form or through email)
      • If Building Principal is unable to find teacher to provide home instruction, the Student Services Office will do so.
    • School secretary completes the Request for Student to Transfer to Other Program (R-STOP) form on the district website (district forms).
    • School case manager communicates with classroom or core teachers to gather materials, current performance levels, and basic overview of classes scope/sequence so that the home instructor can attempt to parallel the school's instruction.
    • Time cards for the instructor and attendance for the student need to be submitted to the Student Services Office.
    • When home instruction is completed (medical condition improves, expulsion ends, SPED placement is changed) an additional R-STOP form needs to be completed.