Student Services
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FAQs Concerning Students with Disabilities
Where is the Student Services office located?
Our office is located at the district administration building at 22210 SW Stafford Rd, Tualatin, Oregon.Who do I contact if I have a concern?
Your first point of contact is your child's classroom teacher. In addition, if your child is served by Special Education, they will have a case manager. If your child is served by a 504 plan, the case manager is the school counselor/student support specialist.
I am moving into your school district, what should I do?
Go to your neighborhood school and register your student. Bring copies of your child's documentation if your child is already eligible for special education (Current IEP or Eligibility Forms). If you do not have copies of your child's IEP, we can request that from their previous school. However, it is helpful for the school team to have as much current information about your child as possible so we can build a plan that supports their needs.
What is 504?
Some students with disabilities (as defined by Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act and the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act) qualify for reasonable accommodations to their academic and non-academic programs. These may be necessary to ensure that the student has equal access to their education. See your school counselor for further assistance.
504 District Coordinator: Assistant Superintendent of Student Services 503-673-7022
What is IDEA?
IDEA is the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. This Federal Law directs Oregon and the school district how to provide special education services to qualified students. The law enables us to serve students 5-21 years of age. See the ODE Parent Rights Booklet. On the ODE website, the Parent Rights Booklet is called "Procedural Safeguards."
What is the difference between a 504 Plan and an IEP?
A 504 Plan is for a student with a disability that significantly limits one or more daily life activities. The 504 Plan provides accommodations for students to access their education.
An Individualized Education Program (IEP) is similar to a 504 plan in that it provides accommodations to enable access to education. In addition, an IEP provides Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) on clearly defined annual goals and Related Services (including Transportation, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Speech, as necessary)
Who determines if my child has a disability?
An eligibility team at your student's school makes this decision based on a range of information that may include classroom performance, teacher observations, parent input, a medical statement from a physician, behavior rating scales, and standardized achievement and cognitive assessments. Parents must give permission for a special education evaluation, including the specific standardized assessments. The parent is an important member of the eligibility team.
There 14 eligibility categories in Oregon (including Autism, Communication Disorder, Intellectual Disability, Specific Learning Disability, etc.) Each eligibility category has specific requirements for eligibility.
In all cases, for a student to be found eligible for special education, the team must determine 3 things:
- The student has a disability (as defined by Oregon law for that eligibility category - It is possible for a student to have a medical diagnosis of a disability that does not qualify as an educational disability according to Oregon law)
- The disability impacts the student's academic performance
- The student needs specially designed instruction as a result of the disability
It is possible for a student to have a disability (e.g. anxiety disorder, ADHD, dyslexia) that does not have an academic impact because they have developed coping skills and strategies to be able to function successfully in the classroom.
It is also possible for a student to have a disability that affects academic performance, but the student does not need specially designed instruction. Instead, they need specific adjustments to their educational plan (accommodations) that allow them to fully access and engage in learning. In this case, the student may be eligible for a 504 plan rather than an IEP
If the eligibility team determines that a student has a disability, that it has an academic impact, and that the student needs specially designed instruction, then the student may be found eligible for special education. Then the IEP team would develop an individualized program of goals, accommodations, specially designed instruction, and related services to help the student access their education.
What do I do if I want my child to be tested?
If you have concerns about your child's academic progress, start by having a conversation with your child's teacher(s). The teacher(s) may be able to implement classroom-level adjustments or interventions to support your student's needs. If additional supports are necessary, the school counselor can initiate the Child Study process to track specific strategies and interventions within the classroom. If the student does not make adequate progress after multiple rounds of interventions, it may be necessary to evaluate for special education eligibility.
I have a home schooled child with a disability, can they receive services?
Yes, if the child is a eligible for special education services and the IEP team determines that Special Education services can be delivered in conjunction with home schooling. The special education services are determined by the IEP (Individualized Education Program) team, and delivered at the neighborhood school. In general, home schooled students are allowed to attend school for 1-2 periods a day to participate in school activities (including classes like band, choir, PE, as well as to receive special education services).
Can my child get services if I send them to a private school?
Yes, contact the school district where the private school is located. You can request that the Student Services team in that district consider a service plan for your child while attending the private school. The services may not be the same as those that the child would receive if enrolled in the public school district. There are specific laws that govern the limits of these services. A student with a disability attending a private school is eligible to receive a Private School Service Plan rather than an Individualized Education Program (IEP).
I have a student enrolled in an online charter school, can they receive services?Yes. The online charter school is sponsored by a school district, so technically, the student is enrolled in that school district. In order to receive services you will need to contact the district that sponsors the charter school to access evaluations and services. Even if you live within the boundaries of the West Linn-Wilsonville School District, if your child is enrolled in an online charter school, they cannot receive services from WLWV. The state requires that a student only be enrolled and receiving services from one school district.I want my child to go to another school in the West Linn-Wilsonville School District and my child has a disability, what do I do?
Complete an in-district transfer request and return it to the Superintendent's office. Decisions are made on the basis of available space in classes and services in the school. Visit the Transfer Information page of our district website for more information.
What are the different diploma options?
The West Linn-Wilsonville School District offers three diploma options: Standard Diploma, Modified Diploma, and Extended Diploma. The large majority of students served by Special Education in WLWV receive the Standard Diploma. For more details, see our School Board Policy or contact your student's case manager.
What happens after graduation?
Students who complete a standard diploma are no longer eligible to receive special education services. Students who complete a modified diploma, extended diploma or certificate of attainment are eligible for further transition services until age 21. See the Adult Transition page for more information.
When does the IEP start to address what my child will do after high school?Planning for after high school becomes a formal part of the IEP process when your child turns 16 or earlier if appropriate.