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Guiding Principles
Special education placement is always viewed under the principle of Least Restrictive Environment (LRE). Most children are most successful with most of their day in the general education setting. The West Linn-Wilsonville School District is committed to each child, every child being educated in their neighborhood school. However, the placement decision is always an individualized one, based on that particular student's IEP. Placement is not a static decision, rather it is a dynamic process where the emphasis is always to help students gain the skills to be more successful with less adult support.The placement page is a tool that serves two purposes: communication with the team/parents for the placement decision process and documentation of the decision. Parents should be able to read the placement descriptions and have a working understanding of what we are talking about.Procedural Guidance
The placement decision for each student is:- made by a team including parent (or adult student), person knowledgeable about the student, person knowledgeable about evaluation data, and person knowledgeable about placement options
- aligned with principles of Least Restrictive Environment
- as close as possible to the student's home - in almost all cases, this is at their neighborhood school
- based on the student's IEP
- documented on the placement page
- determined at least annually
Key elements of the placement decision process:
- placement is based on the student's IEP
- services should be provided in the general education classroom if possible
- the team may not remove a student from the general education classroom solely because of needed modifications to the general ed curriculum
The placement team considers the continuum of placement options (documenting at least two options), including
- any placement options requested by the parent
- potential benefits of placement options
- potential harmful effects on the student of placement options
- modifications and services considered to maintain the student in the least restrictive placement before concluding that a more restrictive placement is necessary
The IEP team should also consider any barriers to the student's access to non-academic school-based activities and services, including:
- Athletics
- Recreational Activities
- Special Interest Groups or Clubs
- Counseling Services
- Co-Curricular Activities (see Co-Curricular Activities page in the SPED Handbook)
- Transportation (see Transportation page in the SPED Handbook)
- Health Services
- Referral to agencies that provide assistance to individuals with disabilities (VR, DD Services)
- Employment of students (Transition planning toward building employment skills, YTP services, etc.)
Parent receives a copy of the placement documentation with the IEP packet
If the team is not in consensus about the placement decision, write a Prior Written Notice about the placement decision.
Guidance for selecting Placement Options:
- The non-participation justification and the placement page are read together; therefore specify the exact extent of the removal in the non-participation justification.
- Placement is a set of services, not a location. However, when determining the percent of time spent out of the general education setting, you should specifically pay attention to the location where the services are being provided (general education setting or special education setting).
- The portion of special education services (Specially Designed Instruction, Related Services, Accommodations, Modifications & Supplemental Services) that the student receives in the general education setting, is not considered time spent in a special education setting for the placement determination. The percent in the placement determination (and the placement code) is specifically calculated based on where the student is receiving the services (general ed or special ed setting) not the intensity of the services.
- A student may receive intensive special education services throughout their entire school day. However, if the services take place primarily in the general education setting, then they would have a federal placement code of 30 (less than 20% removed from general ed).
- In this example, the Placement Team would select "30 - Special Program with ____ Focus with Extensive Time General Education"
- The total school day counts in the % (including lunch, recess, etc.)
- A team can always add more language to the description if it would be helpful to the team discussion.
- The codes listed are the general case. There may be circumstances where different language is more helpful to the placement discussion.
Continuum of Placement Options
Description Usual Code Special Notes General Education with push-in services 30 This reflects a student who only receives push-in services for SDI General Education with push-in services and pull-out services for 20% of the day or less 30 This may reflect students who receive weekly speech therapy, who have 1 period per day in a special education classroom, who come to meet with the learning specialist for the last 15 minutes of the day for a behavioral check-out, etc. Special Program with _____ focus with extensive time in general education 30 In the blank: either Transition, Behavior, Communication, Independent Living Skills, or Academic focus This reflects a student who receives an intensive level of support, but that support is mostly provided in a general education settingThe time in a special education setting must be less than 20% of the total day.General Education with extensive push-in and/or pull-out services 31 This is for a student who is in a special education setting for 21-60% of the total day Special Program with _____ focus with some time in general education 31 In the blank: either Transition, Behavior, Communication, Independent Living Skills, or Academic focus
This reflects a student who receives an intensive level of support, with that support split between general education and special education settings
The time in a special education setting is 21-60% of the total day
Special Program with _____ focus with limited time general education 33 In the blank: either Transition, Behavior, Communication, Independent Living Skills, or Academic focus
This reflects a student who receives an intensive level of support, but that support is mostly provided outside of the general education setting
The time in a special education setting is more than 60% of the total day
Special Program with _____ focus 33 In the blank: either Transition, Behavior, Communication, Independent Living Skills, or Academic focus
This reflects a student who needs to spend 100% of their school day in a special education setting
Special School - Public 34 Example: Oregon School for the Deaf, Washington School for the Blind, Heron CreekConsult with Student Services Administrator before selecting this placement codeSpecial School - Private 35 Example: Lifeworks NW, SerendipityConsult with Student Services Administrator before selecting this placement codeHome Instruction 39 This code is for a student who will be out of school for at least 30 days and requires individualized instruction.The placement is called "home instruction" but the location of the instruction is generally not actually the student's home. Instead, home instruction usually happens in a public location, like a library or community center.Consult with Student Services Administrator before selecting this placement codeSee the Home Instruction page for more detailsResources
- Special Education in Plain Language: Placement
- Special Education in Plain Language: Least Restrictive Environment LRE
Can the placement page be changed without a team meeting?
No. The team (Someone knowledgeable about the child, someone knowledgeable about the placement options, someone knowledgeable about the evaluation, and the parent) must consider and select placement based on the IEP. The only exceptions to this would come through very rare circumstances in the discipline process for students with disabilities. PLEASE CONSULT WITH THE STUDENT SERVICES OFFICE IN THESE SITUATIONS.What placement should be provided when a student moves in with an IEP from another Oregon school district?
The district needs to provide the same level of support. However, the specific location may look different in our district. Placement is not the same as location. A student who received supports in a centralized self-contained classroom in another district may be able to receive the same level of support in their neighborhood school in West Linn-Wilsonville.If a student moves in with a placement code of 31 or above (more than 20% of time spent out of the general education setting), please consult with your SPED IC right away.Do these principles apply to student participation in and access to co-curricular activities?
Yes. For more information, see the Co-Curricular Activities page in this handbook.Board Policy IGBAE, IGBAJ