
  • Guiding Principles
    Traveling to and from school is an important part of a student's overall school experience. The concept of Least Restrictive Environment applies to transportation settings as well as the rest of the child's school day. The opportunity to be around non-disabled peers is an important part of social development.
    Additionally, the goal is always to move students toward greater independence and inclusion in all parts of their school experience.
    Procedural Guidance
    Adding Transportation as a Related Service is an IEP team decision. The team should carefully reconsider the need for transportation at each annual IEP meeting.
    IEP teams must consider each situation individually and discuss the unique needs of that particular student. Here are key areas that the IEP team should consider, looking for significant concerns in one or more areas:
    Levels of Independence
    • How independently is the student able to move around the school?
    • How independently is the student able to move around the community as compared to other children his/her age?
    • Is the student able to follow directions within large groups?
    • Has the team used visual supports and teaching the bus routine to support the student's independence on a general education bus?
    Safety Concerns
    • Is the student exhibiting aggressive behavior in the school setting or on a general education bus?
    • Is the student able to stay in an assigned seat?
    • Have behavior supports or accommodations been considered and implemented to deal with safety concerns on the general education bus?
    Mobility Concerns
    • Does the student require a wheelchair lift or other mobility equipment during transportation?
    Sensory Concerns
    • Does the student have significant difficulties with sensory (i.e. sound, movement, large groups)?
    • Have supports and accommodations been considered to help the student with diminishing the sensory overload on the general education bus?
    Note: If the district designates a special education placement where the location is not the student's neighborhood school, transportation may be added even if the above factors are not significant.
    (this is a pdf version of the information on this webpage)
    • If the IEP team decides to add transportation, contact Brenda Hogan (x7098) as soon as you know. It can take up to 5-7 days for First Student to set up new bus routes.
    • If you have a questions about the IEP team process for determining whether to assign transportation as a related service, contact Stephanie Clawson (x7006)
    What is the district's responsibility for transportation outside of the district boundaries?
    • If the district places a student in a school located outside of the district boundaries (e.g. Heron Creek, Serendipity, Lifeworks NW), the district will provide transportation.
    • If the student lives outside the district boundaries and is attending WLWV schools (through Open Enrollment or Inter-District Transfer), the district is only responsible for transportation within WLWV district boundaries.
    • If a student is homeless and currently living outside of the district's boundaries, contact Brenda Hogan x7098 
    • If a student is placed in foster care outside of the district and has a court order to continue attending WLWV schools, DHS has the first responsibility for transportation. However, the district will often work with DHS to ensure that the student can get to school.

    How quickly can we get a bus set up for a student?

    • In general, it takes up to 5-7 days to set up a new bus route. The bus company will usually drive the route in advance to determine the safest path for the bus to take.