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EI/ECSE Evaluations
Early Intervention and
Early Childhood Special Education EvaluationStaff Calendar - full time evaluators:Guiding Principles:
- We believe that every child is remarkable and each family has a unique story.
- Through the evaluation process, we highlight the child’s development and strengths, allowing us to support parents in understanding their child as a learner.
- We connect families to the CESD for services;and reconnect the family as they transition back to the district for kindergarten.
- By establishing positive relationships early with families, we begin the journey of supporting their child’s growth in learning.
Background Information:
The Early Intervention/Early Childhood Special Education Program at the Clackamas Education Service District provides individually designed services to address the needs of young children with developmental delays or disabilities. Developmental evaluations are provided by West Linn-Wilsonville School District to determine if children qualify for services. Evaluation and Early Intervention/Early Childhood Special Education services are provided at no cost to families.
Early Intervention (EI) is designed for children aged birth through 2 years old. Evaluation for EI is provided in all areas of development: Adaptive, Social/Behavior, Cognitive, Fine Motor, Gross Motor, Receptive Communication and Expressive Communication.
Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) is designed for children aged 3 -5 years old, who are not yet able to enter Kindergarten. The evaluation team works with parents to determine those developmental areas that require evaluation. Through this evaluation a child may qualify for Special Education under Developmental Delay (EI/ECSE only) or a categorical disability that is recognized in school-age services.
Procedural Guidance:
Initial Referrals: Initial referrals come through a variety of sources (e.g., physicians, parents, extended family members, DHS/CAPTA, close friends, preschool/daycare providers, etc.). These referrals are made to the Clackamas ESD (503-675-4097), and then forwarded to the WLWV EI/ECSE Evaluation Team.
Early Intervention (EI) evaluations:
- Intake Secretary: calls family to complete the intake interview and schedule an evaluation after consulting with Early Childhood Coordinator or another Evaluation Team member to determine who should conduct the evaluation.
- Evaluation Team: reviews the intake information for evaluation planning, and to confirm evaluation team for the case. If more information is needed, an evaluation team member will make a follow-up call. File is returned to the intake secretary to complete needed paperwork. Appropriate pre-evaluation paperwork is sent to the family.
- The evaluation is conducted and a report is completed for distribution to the Service Team and parent in a timely manner, so that the EI Service Team can hold the eligibility and IFSP meeting within 45 calendar days of the initial referral.
Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) evaluations:
- Intake Secretary: calls family to complete intake interview and ask family for scheduling options for when she calls back to set up the evaluation appointment.
- Evaluation Team: reviews the intake information to complete evaluation planning, and to identify evaluation team members. If more information is needed prior to the evaluation, an evaluation team member will make a follow-up call. File is returned to the Intake Secretary to complete needed paperwork and to schedule the evaluation appointment.
- Intake Secretary: schedules the evaluation appointment and sends appropriate pre-evaluation paperwork to the family.
- Evaluation is conducted and a report is completed for distribution to the ECSE Service Team and parent, so that the ECSE Service Team can hold the eligibility and IFSP meeting within the 60 school day timeline from the date of signed consent.
Third Birthday Transition: For children receiving EI services, initial eligibility determination for ECSE services and transition to ECSE occurs by age three.
- EI service team holds a transition meeting at least 90 days, up to 9 months before the a child’s 3rd birthday and completes an ESD internal referral form that is forwarded to WLWV School District’s evaluation team.
- Evaluation occurs within approximately one of month of the child’s 3rd birthday, with the report completed in a timely manner so that the service team is able to hold ECSE eligibility and IFSP on or before the child’s third birthday.
ECSE Re-Evaluation: Children currently receiving ECSE services may be referred by the service team for further evaluation to consider other areas of eligibility or to determine if they no longer qualify for services.
- ECSE team holds a re-evaluation planning meeting with the family and completes an ESD interval referral form that is forwarded to WLWV School District’s evaluation team.
- Evaluation is conducted and a report is completed for distribution to the ECSE service team and parent within the 60 school day timeline from the date of signed consent.
ECSE to Kindergarten Transition Re-Evaluation: These re-evaluations occur in the following situations and follow the re-evaluation procedures noted above:
- Current progress toward IFSP goals indicates the child may no longer qualify for Special Education services in their particular category of eligibility.
- Current progress and observations by the service team indicates another category may be appropriate in conjunction or instead of current categorical eligibility.
- Child is identified under Developmental Delay which is not recognized in school-age services, and the team suspects the child may qualify for continued services in a categorical eligibility area. These decisions will be made in early fall the year prior to entering kindergarten in most instances.
- Separating language difference from disability is an extremely complex endeavor.
- The length of time needed to fully acquire a second language varies greatly, but the average time is 5-7 years.
- Culture and language are incredibly important to attend to whenever the question is raised around possible need for SPED evaluation.
- Someone with language acquisition expertise must be on the evaluation team for students who are emerging bilinguals.
- If an interpreter is needed for bilingual evaluations other than Spanish, a language service company is contacted to find the appropriate language interpreter.
Resources:- Ages and Stages Questionnaires
- Oregon Department of Education: Early Intervention/Early Childhood Special Education
- Clackamas ESD for making referrals for EI/ECSE evaluations: referral phone # 503-675-4097 or for more information
- FACT Oregon - Empowering Families Experiencing Disability: a family leadership organization for individuals and their families experiencing disabilities
- Oregon Family Support Network: a statewide non-profit organization that supports families who are raising a child with significant mental health challenges
- Clackamas County Early Learning Hub
- Hispanic Interagency Networking Team: network of professionals committed to providing culturally relevant services and resources to Latino families in Clackamas County
- 211 Info: free information about more than 5,000 health, community, and social services