- West Linn High
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WLHS Photos 1937
WLHS Photos - 1937
1937 Amplifier
The Amplifier is published semi-monthly by the students of Oswego-West Linn
high school. This year the staff published an eight-page Christmas edition and
also a large May Day edition.Reporters: Guy La Salle, Helen Janes, Mary Jane Moore, Juliet Duncan, Jean Mead,
Nancy Dobson, Betty Buckles, Alyce Leisman, Marvin Peters, Wesley Milliken,
Earle Stone, Ward Zimmerman, Marian Warner, Florence Wohl, Wenda Laub,
Jean Jeep, Catherine Gleason, Anne Evans, ans Nick Kovtynovich.
1937 Green and Gold Annual
The Green and Gold Staff takes pleasure in presenting its eighteenth edition
of the year-book for your enjoyment. The staff desires that this book will be
an enjoyable record of the events of the year.Bill Woodworth, Mary Jane Moore, Vittz-James Ramsdell, Beth Miller, Catherine
Gleason, Marion Warner, Bette Nock, Dale Dennis, Anne Stewart, Bette White,
Blair Shadle, Jean Mead, and Margaret Milliken.
1937 Band
The Oswego-West Linn Band, under the direction of Fred H. Wade, entered
the state music contest and was honored with the rating of "excellent."Band Members include: Alber, Nelson, Loeche, Shepherd, Craun, Seely, Ryan,
Thornton, Williamson, Stuart, Lantz, Carl, Farmer, Peterson, Redhead, Irish,
Truchot, Buse, Milliken, Coxon, Anthonv, Myhra, Write, Ray, Purcell, Simpson,
Zimmerman, Young, Matzen, Winkle, Beckner, Haines, Wells, Baker, Kruse,
Knoll, Zivney, Federspiel, and Evans.
1937 Boys O Club
The Boys' "O" Club consists of the boys that have earned a letter in a major sport.
The Boys' "O" Club had a very successful year under the able leadership of Earle
Stone. The lettermen were always willing to help when there was something to be
done. The members of the club are: John Gould, Dale Dennis, Bill Tuor, Emery Aden,
Wesley Milliken, John Randall, Dean Barnes, Gaylord Worthington, Frank Moore,
Bob Evans, Charles Williams, Robert Richards, Cameron Dagget, Roy Nealeigh,
Melvin Campbell, Marvin Peters, Bob MacLEan, Bill Ingersoll.New members this year include: Ted Freeman, Jack Kent, Frank Meldrum,
Ralph Davis, Doyle Seely, Frank Pozzi, Ted MacMurren, George Eckerson,
Jack Meissner, and Bob Williams.
1937 Debate
The debate season resulted in five victories out of six contests, which tied
West Linn for second place in the district. The affirmative was defended by
Vedder, Evans, Nemec and Ferguson, while the negative was composed of
Erickson, Simpson, Gleason and Flemming.
1937 French Club
Under the leadership of President Phillis Ferguson; vice-president Bettie Rose;
and advisor, Miss Moffatt, The French Club was organized to stimulate an
understanding of the language and the people of France. Every year the club
enjoys a fall party and spring trip to the coast.Motto: Trap bas ils batissent ou dissous les etailes.
1937 German Club
Through Mr. Oliver, the advisor of the German club, the organization
traveled to the coast on their annual trip. Included in this trip was the
Scout club, Latin club, French Club, and the Honor Society.
1937 Girls' League and Boys' Club
The Girl's League and the Boys' Club include all the boys and girls in West Linn.
Every year both organizations distribute baskets of food to the needy families at
Thanksgiving and Christmas. The mother-daughter tea and the father-son
banquet took place in May.
1937 Girls' "O" Club
This organization is composed of girls with letters from a major sport under
the leadership of Miss Moshberger, the physical education director, along with
the following officers: Veronica Wallace, president; Ruby Jones, Vice President;
Wenda Laub, secretary-treasurer.The girls' "O" club consists of girls that have won letters in Basketball and
Baseball and have also taken part in other athletics in the school. Members
are as follows: Margaret Milliken, Luella Blank, Lola Moore, Veronica Wallace,
Marie Niebauer, Ernestine Reike, Anita Shinkle, Ruby Jones, Edith Giles,
Lillian Young, Lavenna Meten, Yvonne Matile, Wenda Laub, Maxine Hill,
Mildred Boeckman.
1937 Glee Club
The Glee club at West Linn presented their annual operetta, "The Fire-Prince"
under the direction of Mr. F. H. Wade. They also helped entertain the student
body in numerous assemblies. During the year they entered the state meet at
Forest Grove, and although they did very well, they won no events.
1937 Hi-Y
The Hi-Y was the most active organization in the school this year. It is a division of the Y.M.C.A.; its members are granted certain privileges in any Y.M.C.A. in the United States. The purpose of the Hi-Y is to create, maintain and extend, throughout the school and community high standards of Christian character.
1937 Honor Society
The Honor Society, advised by Miss Pearson, increased by eleven new members.
The officers this year were as follows: President, Marie Niebauer; vice-president,
Marian Hasselbrink; secretary-treasurer, Eileen Spencer; reporter, Lester Bradley.
1937 Latin Club
The club's only social function of the year was a trip to the coast on the
first day of May.
1937 Orchestra
Under the direction of Fred H. Wade the Oswego-West Linn Orchestra had a
successful year. The orchestra not only accompanied the operetta, but also
assisted with assemblies and plays.Corchestra members include the following: Brunner, Simmons, Thoman,
I. Beam, Aden, Boerner, Kruse, G. Beam, Craun, Redhead, Nelson, Federspiel,
Williamson, and Loeche.
1937 Scout Club
The Scout clubs were organized at Jefferson high school, of Portland, and the
Oregon City Junior and Senior high schools, as a result of the work carried on
by Oswego-West Linn high school Scout club. This organization was very active
and provided many enjoyable programs for the student body.
1937 Student Body Police
The Student Police with Chief Earle Stone, Lieutenant Calvin Kent and
the squad consisting of Jack Meisner, Ted MacMurren, John Whitney,
Bob Ted, Jack Kent, Marvin Peters, and John Gould, proved to be a great
benefit to the success of the school. This new organization, sponsored and
advised by Mr. Richmond and Everett Gurley, worked hard to perform its
numerous duties. Under the new constitution, the Police force will constitute
the judiciary department.
1937 Tri-Y
The Tri-Y was organized in 1936, and is a direct branch of the Y.W.C.A. The
club entertained the Hi-Y at a Valentine party. New members were brought
into the club by a formal initiation, also, the Tri-Y has numerous parties and hikes.
1937 Staff
Audrey Lundy - English - Junior Advior - Seventh Year
Charles O. Main - Mathematics - Debate Coach - Sixteenth Year
Gladys Haberlach - Head of Commercial Dept. - Girls' League - Fourth Year
James A Howard - Head of Social Science Dept. - Amplifier - Tenth Year
Louise Fidnley - Social Science - Senior Advisor - Second Year
Felix F. Fors - Commercial - Track - Sixth Year
Mabel Cupper - Domestic Science - Freshmen Advisor - First Year
John Paul Brown - Sociall Science - Boys" Athletics - Tenth Year
Roma Confer - Office - Secretatry of Alumni Assoc. - Second Year
Naomi Moshberger - Physical Education - Sophomore Advisor - First Year
1937 Officers