• 1978 Sports
    1978 Baseball
    1978 baseball team
    Front Row:  Mike Mangold, Rocky Oetken, Steve Goins, Mike Buth, Bob Bishop, Jeff Meneth, and Dave Morris
    Back Row:  Tracy Cochran, Dan King, Dirk Otis, Glen Doty, Jeff Kestek, T.J. Holstrom, Bob Barnes, Kevin Holland, John        Tolman, and Coach Terry Pollreitz.
    Top Right:  Bob Bishop watches a line drive up the middle.  
    Middle Left:  John Tolman rips one down the third base line.
    Left:  Glen Doty waits for the right pitch.
    Above:  Dan King waits at first base for the throw from short stop.
    1978 Basketball
    1978 Basketball Team
    Row 1:  Randy Reed, Coach Ernie McKie
    Row 2:  Dirk Ellsworth, Scott McKie
    Row 3:  Rick Meyer, Dan Reed, Steve Goins
    Row 4:  Leif Rasmussen, Rick Hoffstetter
    Row 5:  Jeff Menath, Mike Buth
    Row 6:  Ball Boy Reggie Purkhiser
    Left:  Lion Steve Goins stretches out to score two points against Lakeridge
    Above:  Randy Reed hustles to get clear of Tiger guards
    1978 Tennis - Boys
    1978 Boys Tennis Team
    Front Row:  Mike O'Connell, Bryan Locker, Mike Delanty, Jim O'Connell, Kris Geldaker, Jeff Carlson, Dave Schubert
    Middle Row:  Lukas Laux, Evan McGreevy, Ron Lindhorst, Mike Conrad.
    Back Row:  Dave Long, Coach Andy Espino.
    Middle Left:  Dave Schubert stands ready for action
    Far Left:  Mike O'Connell waits intensively for the serve
    Left:  Kris Geldaker makes the return
    Above:  Jeff Carlson waits for the return during a warm-up session
    1978 Girls Tennis
    1978 Girls Tennis Team
    Front Row:  April Thurber, Sherry Stanley, Julie Finch, Debbie Ware, Pam Wood, Leanne Woodard
    Second Row:  Coach Carol Geldaker, Karen McNeil, Jackie Fitzwater, Jeanette Connors, Penny Hackenberger, Pam Mulberry, Karen Buse
    Third Row:  Sherri Anderson Mary Logan, Julie Fisher
    Back Row:  Karla Putman, Kristin Wehler.
    Middle Right:  Leanne Woodard executes an excellent serve to her opponent
    Middle Left:  April Thurber displays her forehand
    Right:  Sherry Stanley and Julie finch chat with Lakeridge opponents
    Above:  Julie Finch slams a serve
    1978 Track
    1978 Track Team
    First Row:  Todd Campbell, Jon Farley, John Teters, Jim Allen, Dave Ryles, Jeff Hunt, Ray Manning, Dave Clark, Jeff Sara, Clyde Bagley, Nick Hamel.
    Second Row:  Scott Burgess, Doug Perrin, Tom Previs, Wayne Gump, Dave Weeks, Jim Zauner, Steve Sayre, Matt Hyde, Rex Smith, Mark Sliger.
    Third Row:  John Nichols, Marty Asch, Mark Holcomb, Rich Stone, Jay Hogg, Dan Price, Jeff Clark, Scott Weddle, Jim Allsup
    Fourth Row:  Jeff Chamberlain, Rich Hansen, Roger Edwards, John McKee, Scott Sedgwick, John Conway, Mike Newton, Derek Andrus, Jim Pepperling, Troy Andersen.
    Fifth Row:  Joe Bernert, Jim Floyd, Lance Dunning, Chris Cameron, Jack Perrin, Jeff Walton, Ron Stewart, Jon Jenkins, Ben Campbell, Paul Watts.
    Sixth Row:  Mike Gardner, Jim Griffin, Rob Gump, Everett Edwards, Jeff Bruck, Dick McClain.
    Seventh Row:  Coach Rocky Sagers, Coach Chris Baumgartner, Adam D'Angelo, John Firecrow, Brett Sagin, Tracy Beebe, Rob Gaynor, Reggie Purkhiser.
    Not shown:  Gary Greenlee, Jeff Schroeder, Larry Medearis, Mark simmitt, John Aadland, Paul Cameron, Pat Logan, Bill Smith, Steve Bowerman, Bart McGee. 
    Right:  John Teters takes first place for West Linn.
    Top:  Dave Clark flies for distance in the long jump.
    Above:  Nick Hamel gives a good huck in his shot put event.