WLHS Drama 1938

  • WLHS Drama - 1938

     1938 Dramatics Class

    This class entertained the student body at several assemblies during this year. Students in the class are Milliken, White, Nock, Ray, McMurren, Daggett, Ramsdell, Knoll, Nemic, Persinger, Bickel, and Odem.

    1938 Dramatic Cast

    1938 Senior Class

    The senior class put on the play "I Like Your Nerve" with the following cast: Bette White, Tom Banfield, Marie Nemic, Pat Ray, Charles Gleason, Doris Anderson, Dee Floyd, Betty rose, Vittz-James Ramsdell, Jack Draper, and Phyllis Ferguson.

    1938 Senior play cast


    1938 Student Body Play 


    1938 Student Play Cast

    The Student Body successfully put on the play "Who Wouldn't Be Crazy" with the following cast: Virginia Wells, Marilyn Odem, Lois Young, Juliet Duncan, RICHARD Hebener, Dee Floyd, KEITH Anderson, Jane Easson, Bill Lambert, Margaret Milliken, Catherine Gleason, Don Persinger, Doyle Seely, and Bob Knoll.