WLHS Photos - 1934

  • WLHS Photos - 1934

    1934 Band

    The High School Band has been very active over the year. Within the last three
    years it has grown from an eighteen piece organization to one well over the fifty
    mark. This organization entered the State Meet at Corvallis, this time under class
    A division, and received a second honor rating.

    1934 Band

    Trumpets: Howell, Gary, Miliken, Saunders, Gurley, Ray, Gillihen, Wright, Balcome, McLean, Moss.
    Clarinets: Albers, Gardner, Dalrymple, Dennis, Hulse, Winkle, Fugate, Hugett, Kilpatrick, Niebauer,
         Marsh, Zivny, Garrison.
    Trombones: Gubser, Shipley, Dalrymple, Leismen, Meyhew.
    Baritones: John, Fry.
    French Horn: Miller, Herr, Larson
    Alto Horn:  Baker, Simpson, Bruck
    Bass: Woodworth, Oney, Woodworth
    String Bass: Ivins
    Saxophones: Peterson, Williamson, Hereford, Robertson.
    Flute: McLean
    Oboe: Bauersfeld
    Piccolos: Seibert, Tuor

    Bassoon: Smith
    Drums: Larson, Thien, Ellis, Radtke, Davis, Miller, Stevens.

    1934 Glee Clubs

    The combined Glee clubs presented a comic opera, "The Marriage of Nannette,"
    which proved a great success. They went to the state contest held at Pacific University
    and won first place in girl's quartet, second place in mixed chorus, girls' glee club,
    boys' glee club.

    1934 Glee Club
    The Director of both Glee Clubs is Fred H. Wade.

    1934 Hi-Y Club

    The Hi-Y club is looked upon as the service club of the school. It is one division
    of Y.M.C.A. and its members are chosen for their outstanding ability and leadership.
    The purpose of the Hi-Y is to create, maintain, and extend throughout the school
    and community high standards of Christian character.

    1934 Hi Y Club
    Officers are Don Davis, president; Dave Schultze, vice-president;
    and Gus Meyers, secretary-treasurer.

    1934 Orchestra

    The Oswego-West Linn Orchestra has been a great help to school programs
    and plays this year. The big event of the year was the Opera, which the
    orchestra accompanied for the cast and chorus.

    1934 Orchestra

    Violin: Brunner, Etchison, Gary, Kline, Endres, Groupe, Tedd, Skinner, Barnes.
    Cello: Dalrymple
    String Bass: Ivins
    Flute: McLean
    French Horn: Miller, Ivins
    Clarinet: Albers, Zimmerman
    Trombone: Gubser, Shipley
    Basson: Smith
    Alto Sax: Peterson
    Trumpet: Howell, Gurley, MacLean
    Drums: Davis, Radtke
    Piano: Bauersfeld

    1934 Boys' & Girls' "U" Club

    The Boys' U Club had a successful year under the leadership of Charles Sheron,
    president; Clinton Campbell, vice-president; and Porter Ross, secretary. The U club
    helped to enforce some of the rules around the school and were very successful
    in the undertaking.

    1934 U club
    In order to join the Girls' U Club, one must win a letter either in baseball or
    basketball. The President is Beryl Turner, the vice-president is Ruth Dhooghe,
    and the secretary/treasurer is Mildred Yeager. The annual football banquet, which
    was held after the football season, was a huge success.

    1934 Yell and Song

    Kenneth Elliott and his assistant, Howard Skinner, did an excellent job of leading yells this year.
    They were present at all games, and had the student body's support. 

    Louise Sievers was song leader again, and also had the support of the students. Louise has a
    fine school spirit.

    1934 yell and song
         Elliott                                                   Sievers                                           Skinner

    1934 Faculty

    1934 Faculty  
     1934 faculty 2nd group

    1934 Honor Society

    1934 Honor Society

    1934 Student Body Officers

    1934 Student Body Officers

    1934 Girls League / Boys Club

    1934 girls league boys club