    WLHS Sports 1935
    1935 Boy's Baseball
    A the present it looks like the boys are out for the conference trophy for they have played two conference games and have won both of them very decisively. They beat Molalla, 33-13 and ran over Lebanon, 26-5. 


    Barnett - Catcher, Swope - Pitcher, Read - First Base, Vinson - Second Base,
    Meyers - Shortstop, Tuor - Third Base, Ford - Left Field, Campbell - Center Field,
    Kanney - Right Field, Dockstader - Pitcher, Vick - Outfielder, Aden - Outfield


     1935 Boy's Basketball
    The West Linn Lions had a fairly successful season this year, winning six games and losing nine. Considering that the team had been split up during the middle of the season, Coach Brown and the students have good reason to be proud of this record. 


    Rae Marsh and Kenneth Elliott, the only two veterans on the team during the first semester, were ineligible for the last half of the season. Another bad break for the Lions was the loss of Lloyd Whitten for six weeks, due to illness. After Marsh and Elliott were finished Bill Tuor was eligible.

    He played all of the second semester and was high scorer for the team.

    Individual scoring honors for the season go to Bill Tuor with a total of 67 points in 7 games. He played only in the second semester. Elliott and Marsh were next with 51 points apiece.


    Rae Marsh - Center, Bill Tuor - Forward, Kenneth Elliott - Forward, Lloyd Whitten - Guard, Wesley Milliken -  Guard, John Gould -  Forward, Bill Stricklin -  Center, Lynn Rauch -  Forward, Norman Barnes -  Forward, Harold Winkel -  Guard


     1935 Boy's Football

    West Linn had the best season this year that it has had since the year of 1927. This year we had a team that turned in a record of 7 wins, 2 ties and 1 loss. A team any school could well be proud of. 


    The game of the year was West Linn vs. Oregon City. It was a night game and the night was perfect. It was a hard fought battle from start to finish. The first game was as even as a game could be played and ended, 0-0. Then second quarter was but a few minutes old when Oregon City pushed over a touchdown on a series of line plunges. The kick for point was good. Score 0-7. The Lions came back hard but threatened once in the second quarter. Third quarter Oregon City drove up to the 5 yard line but the Lions held for downs. Fourth quarter was filled almost entirely with W.L. threats. Once the Lions even garnered a touchdown when Meyers passed to Sheron for the necessary distance but the play was called back on penalty. The game ended right after this and the score remained Oregon City 7, West Linn 0.

    This year an all-conference team was picked from the Willamette Valley Conference which includes the following schools: Woodburn, Dallas, Silverton, Canby, Molalla, Newberg, Lebanon, and West Linn. On this team we had the honor pf placing four players: Ray Marsh, Charles Sheron, Karl Kahle, and Gus Meyers. Gus was the only player to receive a unanimous vote on this team.


    Adams - Half-back, Aden - Tackle, Barnes - End, Barnett - End, Delker - Guard,

    Dockstader -  Half-back, Fallon - Full-back, Ford - Guard, Fry - Tackle,

    Hulse - Guard, Kahle - Tackle, Marsh - End, Meyers -  Quarterback, Milliken - Center,
    Peterson - Guard, Philbrook - Tackle, Sheron - End, Stricklin - Half-back,

    Young - Center, *Brown - Coach


    1935 Golf 

    Although the golf season was quite late for a definite record of golf to be given, the following girls' team under Miss MacLean well represented West Linn. They are: Mildred Legler, Glena Bauersfeld, Margaret Gary, and Margaret Milliken.

    The Boys' golf team with Mr. Howard as coach made a good showing and played a good number of matches. Clifford Smith, a veteran from last years' team, played first man and was manager. The rest of their squad in order of their positives are: Roe, Bickner, and Worthington.


    1935 Golf



     1935 Boy's Swimming

    Mr. Richmond was an able coach for the swimming squad that represented West Linn. The team consisted of the following members: Marvin Peters, Jack Bellah, Dale Dennis, Frank Albers, Walter Treiber, William Daggett, Mason McLean, Hugh Flemming. Alternates for the team were John Fugate and Earl Thomas. Robert Treiber was manager. 

    1935 Swimming



     1935 Tennis

    Miss MacLean proved an able instructor for the girls' tennis team and it made a good showing with the following members: Ruth Fredericks, first player and manager; Jean Wells, second; Meredith Rittenhouse, third; Margaret Gary, fourth.

    Boys' tennis proved interesting in that there was so much competition for positions on the team. At the time of this publication the team is as follows: Bickner, Shockley, Stricklin, Rauch, and MacDonald.

    1935 tennis



    1935 Boy's Track 
    Coach Felix Fors has built a strong group of athletes this year, all of whom are anxious to drag in the corpse of the Pioneer Track Team. Only three lettermen make up the nucleus of this team. The few men who came back to the track team this year include Garcia, Barnes, Wisham, B. Stricklin, and Lyons. However, an unprecedented number of freshmen and sophomores have turned out this season and greatly strengthened the team. 

    1945 track

    Because of poor weather and a muddy field, practice work started late this Spring, but the team has hit it's stride and is working regularly now. Coach Fors boasts this season to be the best ever and says that "the Lion's track team will have a pile of opponents' bones so large that it won't fit in my room."
    Girls Volleyball 

    The inter-class Volleyball season proved to be an interesting and exciting one. In the first game of the class championship series the sophomores were victorious over the juniors. The second game gave the seniors a victory over the Freshmen. An exciting game game followed between the two winners with the seniors winning 2 to 0 from last year's Champions.



    The all-star team selected by Miss Baker from the class series consisted of: Beryl Turner, Emma Matile, Eudora Woodworth, Verle Zimmerman, Lois Rassmussen, Marie Neibauer, and Yvonne Matilen