WLHS Drama - 1955

  • WLHS Drama - 1955


    Senior Play - Stardust

    Many hours of hard work proved instrumental in fine performance of Senior class members.

    1954 Senior Play 1

    senior play 2

    Student Body Play Harvey

    Student Body play, "Harvey", presented on November 13, was a big success.
    Bernell Flath as Elwood P. Dowd, has just entered with his invisible companion.

    Student body Play Harvey

    Student Body play, "Harvey", presented on November 13, was a big success.
    Bernell Flath as Elwood P. Dowd, has just entered with his invisible companion.


    student body harvey cast

    Another scene from "Harvey" shows Elwood and Miss Kelly engaging in antics
    that draw Dr. Chumley's attention.


    1955 Thespians

    L. to R. Row 1:  Donna Sharbuno, Bob Jennings, Ed Charman, Jean Baker, Anne Kroll.

    Row 2:  Margie Hein, Anita Adams, Roselyn Mulkey, Janice Van Someron, Carolyn Shockley

    Glenda Cumberland, Shirley Sarc, Gary Worth, Kay Warren, Mr. Liberty, Shirley Zeller



    National Thespians is a nation wide dramatics club.  Enjoyable entertainment

    is provided throughout the year by these talented members.

    1955 Thespian actors

    Thespians are busy working on the upcoming play