WLHS Photos - 1972

  • WLHS Photos - 1972

    1972 Honor Society

    1972 Honor Society

    Row 1: R. Porath, B. Stubbs, M. Blanding, B. Ibach, T. Delanty, K. Anicker, J. Peck
    Row 2: S. Paradis, K. Allanson, R. Paradis, J. Lorentz, S. Thomason, J. Howard.
    Row 3: K. Warner, W. Woodworth, C. Kristan, B. Howard, W. Carter, L. Jones, D. Lohman

     1972 Amplifier

    1972 Amplifier

    Mike Warner and Rodney Spray

    Volkmar Betka, Scott Thomason, Mike Ely, Beth Howard and Dough Steinkamp

     Editor Davide Cothrell (sitting),Dawn Smith, and Phil Day(standing) (BELOW)

    "You can't believe how hard it is to find something interesting about this school to print," stated Editor Dave Cothrell about the AMPLIFIER.  A total of eleven issues were published in the school year each having no less than six pages.  Two new columns were added this year, David Cothrell's CRAWDAD and Scott Thomason's LIONS PAUSE.

     1972 Amplifier

    1972 Amplifier staff

     1972 Debs

    1972 Debs

    Row 1: T. Sims, C. Gifford, L. Buth, L. Dimick, D. Brenner.  Row 2: M. Miettunen, S. Martin, C. Wolf, K. Gettel, K. Kristan, N. Ingersoll, P. Wright

    1972 Forensics

    1972 Forensics

    Row 1: R. Bulow, J. Howard, P. Misseldine, K. Sagin, J. Howard. 

    Row 2: S. Lough, W. Carter, D. Shultz, N. Ingersoll, B. Purkhiser, K. McIntyre, C. Kristan, J. O'Conner. 

    Row 3: S. Paige, M. McBroom, S. Veal, D. Poppe, J. Hastie, S. Myre, R. Jensen, S. Ronning, D. Peterson.

    1972 forensics

    1972 Forensics

    1972 forensics 2

    1972 forensics study

     1972 Kaleidescope

    1972 Kaleidescope

    Each year, Kaleidoscope finds poems, stories and artistic endeavors by West Linn students and publishes these works.  Due to a shortage of staff members and other unforeseen difficulties, the Kaleidoscope was not published this year. 

    1972 Kaleidoscope officers

    Kaleidoscope Staff: 
     Betsy Lee Neuhauser, Carol Lytsell, Becky Oppel,
     Cali McGuire, Karen Heitmeyer,Cary Bare and Cami Izatt.