
    WLHS Sports 1931

    1931 Boys Basketball Team

    The Lions turned in a total of 14 victories to seven defeats, and amassed 521 point to their opponents 327. That they played cleanly was shown by the fact that they only made 82 fouls while the opposing squads had 128 called against them.

    Due to the fact that five of the losses were to county aggregations, the Lions tied Milwaukie for cellar position in the county hoop race. Every team in this race was on about an equal basis and almost all of the games were close and thrilling.

    The team was greatly handicapped by its lack of size. During the last half of the season there wasn't a player who even approached six feel in height. Practically every team they met had an advantage in stature that was hard to overcome even by speed.
     1931 Boys Basketball Team
    Kenneth McLarty, Center
    Kenyon Davidson, Guard
    Arthur Irish, Forward
    Clarence Gross, Guard - "Butch"
    Winford Warren, Foreward - "Windy"
    Clinton Campbell, Foreward - "Clint"
    Edward Karbonski, Guard - "Ed"

     1931 Football Team

    Winford Warren, Quarterback
    Robert Weidemann, Guard
    Arthur Irish, Halfback - "Art" 
    Elwood Dunmire, Halfback - "Punk"
    Manley Carroll, Guard
    Franklin Heater, Halfback
    Glenn Logsdon, End - "Loggy"
    Porter Ross, Fullback 
    Clarence Gross, Center -"Butch"
     Ward Wills, Tackle
    Dwight Aden, Halfback
    Elmer Howell, Guard
    Willard Taylor, Center - "Red"
    Clinton Campbell, End
    Howard Moehnke, Tackle
    Kenyon Davidson, Halfback
    Allen Swenson, Tackle - "Swede"
    Robert Willson, Guard


    1931 Girls Basketball Team
    The girls made a very good record this year, losing only three games during the whole season; those being to Canby High School, Meier and Franks and the Turn Verein.

    The girls played fast and consistent ball, never slowing down, even if the opposing team was ahead of them.                                                                                                                                     
    Yvonne Davidson, Forward - "Babe"
    Opal Hinds, Center
    Marion Lick, Forward
    Phyllis Clark, Forward - "Dick"
    Janie Carter, Guard & Side Center
    Lucille Young, Guard
    Clara Rauch, Center
    Virginia Clark, Guard - "Dot"
    Sigree Hagen, Captain - "Sig"
    Dorothy LaLone, Guard - "Dot"
    Anne Schultz, Guard
    Paula Matile, Forward
    Cleo Hinds, Side Center