WLHS Photos - 1931

  • WLHS Photos - 1931

    1931 Green & Gold Staff

    Due to lack of funds arising from the loss of much of the student body money in the
    bank in which the money was deposited, the annual is not as complete as at first
    planned. However, with the help of the staff, we believe this annual is the best and
    most interesting annual yet published. (1931 Green & Gold)

    1931 Green and Gold
    1931 Green & Gold Staff:

    Martha Jane Hottell - Editor
    Ruthalys Lawrence - Assistant Editor
    Cyril Perkin - Manager
    Gladys Davis - Assistant Manager
    Marjorie Ranger - Administration
    Marjorie La Salle - Seniors
    Ursula Vinson - Juniors
    Donald Ream - Sophomores
    David Schultze - Freshmen
    Glenn Logsdon - Organizations
    Phyllis Clark - Athletics, Girls
    Jack Bollinger - Athletics, Boys
    Hamilton Johnson - Activities
    Avis Perkins - Typist
    Cora Boeckman - Assistant Typist
    Beth Humphrys - Snaps
    Norma Matthews - Jokes
    Gordon Swope - Art

     1931 Club Pictures

    1931 Clubs  

    1931 Essay & Oratory Club

    1931 Essary Oratory Club
    Top Row: Martha Jane Hottel, Nora Matthews, Dwight Aden,
    Ruthalys Lawrence

    Bottom Row: Marjorie LaSalle, G. Davis

     1931 Pictures

    1931 collage of pictures

    1931 Song & Yell Leaders

    The yell leader, Cap Becker and his assistant, Gordon Swope, pepped the student
    body up and kept it on the "qui vive" during the entire season of football and
    basketball, to say nothing of baseball and track. Thorne Evans was awarded a
    $2.50 check for the best yell. Glenn Logsdon received second place, and Margaret
    Swope third. There was a good deal of competition in this contest, as the prize was
    most attractive.

    1931 Song Yell Cheer Club  
    Yell Leaders: Cap Becker and Gordon Swope
    Song Leader: 
    Delphine Hall

    Class Picture

    1931 Class Picture