- West Linn High
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- Photos - 1933
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WLHS Photos - 1933
WLHS Photos - 1933
1933 Band
The band this year was the largest band in the history of the school. It was
composed of 65 pieces in regular enrollment.
The band presented several concerts during the year, presenting a series of
Sunday concerts presented once a month. The also participated in the annual
high school music concert. It was the official Junior Gilmore Circus band at the
Portland Auto show and was the band for the auto show at Corvallis, receiving
wide acclaim for both performances.
Trumpets: Howell, Gary, Dwawes, Miliken, Sanders, Fry, Wright, Wallace, Ray and Gilihan
Clarinets: Ream, Taylor, Gardner, Miller, Garrison, Weidmann, Anderson, Winkle, Marsh,
Fleming, Seibert, Fugate, Zimmerman, Ellege, Waite
Trombones: Franklin, Gubser, Leisman, Shipley, Rauch, Cox
Baritones: Miller, Woodworth, John
Flutes: Davis, Bauersfeld, Foster
Altos: Kerr, Rauch, Larson, Baker, Thorman
Saxophones: Schamburg, Williamson, Bigley
Basses: Moehnke, Straight, Oney, Larson, Zivney
Oboe: Paulson
Piccolos: Seibert, Tuor
Bassoon: Lucier
Drums: Snare: Shirley, Davis, Radtke. Bass: Wilkinson, Shadle, Miller.
1933 Yell and Song Leaders
Kenneth Elliot and his assistant, Howard Skinner, did an excellent job of leading
yells this year. They were Present at all games, and had the student body's support.Loise Sievers was again song leader, and also had the support of the students.
Louise has a fine school spirit.
1933 Debate
The innovation in the debate field this year was a tournament sponsored by
Linfield College. This proved very enjoyable and profitable to the large number
who attended from the many high schools in the state. In the tournament
West Linn won five debates and lost five. This tournament proved to be a very
successful experiment and Linfield has our gratitude for her generosity and hospitality.
Gladys Davis, Betty Miller, Everett Gary, and Glena Bauersfield, with Lucile
Wallace and Esther lang as substitutes.
1933 Glee Club
During the past year, under the supervision of Mr. Fred H. Wade, the Glee clubs
have occupied an enviable place among the school activities.
Both Glee clubs, either separately or combined, have performed at various times.
The most aspiring achievement of the year was the presentation by the combined
glee clubs of the well known light opera, "Pinafore", which was given in the high
school auditorium.
1933 Hi-Y Club
The Hi-Y club is a sub-division of the Central Y.M.C.A. in Portland, the members
being entitled to free privileges in any Y.M.C.A. in the United States. The purpose
of the club is to create, maintain, and extend throughout the school and communities,
higher standards of Christian character. The Hi-Y club of West Linn is one of the
outstanding clubs in the state. To be a member one must have good grades, a good
school standing, be a good leader, in school activities, and have Christian ideals.
Members: Vernon Boeckman, Don Davis, Harold Gross, Dick Humphreys,
Gus Meyers, Don Rawlins, David Schultze, Everett Gary, Henry Irish, Edward
Quade, Don Ream, Kenneth Anderson, Robert Blyth, Norman Barnes, Virgil Ohling.
French Club (Cercle Francais)
Cercle Francais was founded at West Linn on November 2, 1929 and has been active
each year. It has for its purpose the increase of knowledge of France, its people, and its
language and the fostering of understanding between American and French students.
German Club (Elderweiss Deutch Verein)
Edelweiss is composed of students, who have taken or are taking German, wishing to get
better acquainted with people and their customs.
Spanish Club (Los Ecos de Espana)
Los Ecos de Espana is composed of students who were and are studying Spanish. The object of
the club is to create a greater interest in the language and customs of Spain. This is brought about
by learning Spanish songs, poems, and games which are greatly enjoyed by all of the club members.
1933 Orchestra
The orchestra has taken a prominent part in the year's activity schedule. The have played
at all the plays, given several concerts and special programs, and accompanied the choruses
in the musical event of the year when, "Pinafore" was presented.
The Orchestra is the largest this year that the school has ever had. The orchestra is one of the
finest groups in the school for community service and are always ready to lend their assistance
in giving programs.
Violin: Edith Cinder, Margaret Gary, Elizabeth Willson, Dorothy Etchison, Phyllis Endres,
Eileen Groupe, Evelyn Toman, Robert Hanks, Wayne Thornberry, Robert Tedd.
Cello: Dorothy Dalrymple
Flute: Ruth Davis, Mason McLean
Cornet: Ray Fry, Kenneth Wright
French Horn: Edward Howell
Clarinet: Lucille Wallace, Alvin Hulse
Trombone: Lowell Shipley, Edgar Smith, Cecil Gubser, Weldon Franklin
Basson: Roberta Shupe
Bariton: Rufus Schofield
Contra-Bass: Norma Ivins
Bass Horn: Howard Moehnke
E Flat Saxaphone: Eldon Williamson
Piano: Genevieve Jones
1933 Boys' & Girls' "U" Club
The Boys' and Girls' "U" clubs are composed of students who have earned their letter in one
of the major sports.
1933 Boys and Girls League
Camera Club
1933 Honor Society