
    WLHS Sports 1932

    1932 Boys Baseball Team
    Up to the present time, the Lions have won only one game. They were handicapped by not having practice ground until late in the season. The game we won from Oregon City, by a score of 23 to 11. The Lions hammered four Pioneer pitchers for 21 hits including four triples and half a dozen doubles.
    Aden " Pitcher and Centerfield" ; Warren " Shortstop" ; Joe Irish " Third Base" ; Ed Karbonski " Second Base" ; Clarence Gross " First Base" ; Wenner " Catcher" ; MacMillan " Pitcher" ; Rawlins " Left Field" ; Rauch " Right Field" ; Berard " Utility" ; Sweeney " Utility"


    1932 Boys Football Team


    1932 Boys Basketball Team
                 Campbell                              C. Gross                            H. Irish                              J. Irish
                                                          E. Karbonski                        Warren
    The team played 21 games and won 18 of them.  The team made a splendid record and the name of West Linn was spread all over the state.  Gross, Warren, and Joe Irish will be lost to the team by graduation, leaving Campbell, Karbonski, and Henry Irish to form the nucleus for next year's five.


    1932 Coaches & Managers
                                     Gross         Lehman          Irish             Baker               Brown
    Harold Gross - Football Manager
    Don Lehman - Basketball Manager
    Henry Irish - Baseball Coach
    Florence Baker - Girls Athletic Coach
    John P Brown - Football, Basketball and Baseball Coach


    1932 Girls Baseball Team


    1932 Girls Basketball Team


    1932 Golf Team
    Golf is a minor sport at West Linn, but it is quite prominent.  The team has played several matches and won nearly all of them. 
    Team Members:
         Willard Batchelor                 Gordon Swope
         Oscar Wanker                     Don Batchelor
         Marvin King                         Jim Pollard


    1932 Tennis Team
    In its first year at West Linn, the tennis team made a good showing, considering the fact that this is a very new sport here.  David Schultze was tennis manager and the other team members were: Dick Humphrys, Jack Bollinger, Edward Quade Everett Gary.


    1932 Track & Field
    Track and Field go as one sport at West Linn, and it is a major sport.  The team has participated in several meets this year.  Several men will receive their letters this season, as they took first places in a meet with Oregon City and Milwaukie.
    Mr. Fors and Mr. Shearer are the coaches for Track.  Members of the team are:
    Harold Wiedemann            Don Davis                Charles Shirley
    Ray Fugate                       Henry Irish               Felix Ulsky
    Willard Taylor                    Kenneth Guptill        Virgil Ohling
    Dwight Aden                      Marvin Ingram         


    1932 Yell and Song Leaders
                  Elliott                                                Holland                                      Swope
         Gordon Swope, yell leader, led the students in lots of pep throughout the school year.  His ability to arouse the students was adequately determined at home games as well as away.
         Lois Holland, song leader, was new at the game this year and she proved to be a very successful leader.  She helped lead yells also.
         Kenneth Elliott was Swope's second hand man and helped him at all games as well as at rallies.