WLHS Drama 1933

  • WLHS Drama - 1933

    Junior Play

    "A Lady To See You"  was successfully presented Friday evening, March 24, 1933.

    WLHS 1933 Junior Play Cast


    Everett Gary, Mina Davidson, Kenneth Elliott, Arlene Keichel, Betty Niebauer, Robert Blyth, Mildred Legler, Margarete Baker, Jess Berard, George Harrington, Misses Lundy and Edgerton.

    Senior Play

    "It Won't Be Long Now""

    The popular comedy, "It Won't Be Long Now", was presented on Friday, April 24, 1933.

    WLHS Senior Play Cast


    Don Ream, Willard Taylor, Wayne Larson, Robert Stites, Roberta Shupe, Martha Davis, Dennis Fleming, Joy Smith, Charles Ingram, Hardy Young, George Patterson, June Zivney, Kenneth Wendel, and Beatrice Turenne.

    Student Body Play

    "The Valley of Ghosts"

    "The Valley of Ghosts", was presented for the benefit of the student body. Miss Gayle Edgerton and Miss Annette Adcock, directed the production. It was a comedy in three acts, by Jacob Lear.

    1933 Student Body Play Cast


    Beryl Turner, Nellie Wallace, Mildred Legler, Lilliam Graham, Donald Rawlins, Clarence Hulse, Lois Garrison, Helen Philbrook, Jess Dawes, Thorn Evans, William Anderson, Porter Ross.



    "Pinafore" was presented by the combined glee clubs with great success. The story deals with a Captain's daughter, Josephine, who loves Ralph Rackstraw, a common sailor, but marriage is impossible because he is so far below her in social standing.

    Little Buttercup, a lyrical peddler, reveals a long concealed story when she tells the true identity of their captain.

    While in infancy the identities of the Captain and Ralph's father were reversed, and they grew to manhood without knowing the truth. This revelation restores each to his proper position and as a result Ralph and Josephine, finding themselves on a common social level plight their troth.

    1933 Opera Cast


    William Anderson, Manley Carroll, Roland Ingalls, Donald McDuffee, Ed McMillan, Hubert McLarty, Thad Dupuy, Louise Sievers, Lucille Draper, Glena Bauersfeld.