1967-West Linn High School Football

  • Players, Coaches, Ability...combine for varsity unity. 

    Craig Porter    Mike Cranston    Clark Hoss    Leatherberry    Liston
    Craig Porter-Center      Mike Cranston-Tackle          Clark Hoss-End       Joe Leatherberry-Guard        John Liston-Tackle


    1967Lynch, Bud    1967PeckRandy    1967FaddisRick    1967RollinsGlenn    1967SampleDoug
    Bud Lynch-Guard              Randy Peck-End           Rick Faddis-Halfback     Glenn Rollins-Guard         Doug Sample-Guard

    1967TempletonLarry    1967DierickxEddie    1967KearnsRandy    1967LangliersMike    1967LansingSteve
    Larry Templeton                Eddie Dierickx                        Randy Kearns                Mike Langliers                  Steve Lansing
    Linebacker                           Fullback                                       Fullback                          Halfback                                  End

    1967MoravecBob    1967MunsonBrian    1967PedersonTim    1967SabinDoug    
    Bob Moravec                          Brian Munson                    Tim Pederson                      Doug Sabin
    Quarterback                               Tackle                                   End                                    Tackle




    1967 Varsity Football Players

    Coaches: Dallas Johnson, Dan Rollins (Head Coach), Bill Lee


    1967VarstiyScores          1967BeatingMacGrizzlies

    For some 30 plus football years, the Mac-High Grizzles had out-scored the West Linn Lions, not necessarily out-played them just out-scored them.  Many were the times when the defeated Lions came home wishing they had never left.  When the Mac game rolled around this year, there was a new kind of excitement in the air; one of the great expectations and bold confidence.  It was unlike any other year and you could feel the tenseness and anticipation of the team.  The pep assembly that day unleashed the first burst of student body spirit and unity.  The Rally Squad presented the entire team with musical horns, urging them to "outplay the Grizzles."  At the game that night, the spirit was overwhelming.  When our boys ran onto the field, you could sense their readiness and eagerness.  A high goal had been set and they strived to achieve it.  The unity which was displayed throughout the game represented their strong determination to win.  They knew they must win and that night our mighty LIONS brought home the victory that been sought for over 30 years.



1967-West Linn High School Basketball

  • 1967 Basketball


    1967 Basketball 2

1967 West Linn High School Baseball


    1967 Baseball Team


    1967 Baseball 2

1967 West Linn High School Track

  • 1967 Track


    WLHS 1967 Track 2

1967-West Linn High School Wrestling

  • 1967 Wrestling


    1967 Wrestling 2

1967 West Linn High School Gymnastics

  • 1967 Gymnastics

1967 West Linn High School Golf

  • WLHS Golf

1967 West Linn High School Cheerleaders

  • 1967 Cheerleading


    1967 Cheerleading 2