WLHS Photos - 1932

  • WLHS Photos - 1932

    1932 Amplifier

    The Amplifier, a bi-monthly paper, published by the students of West Linn High School,
    is spokesman of the student-body.  Each edition is looked forward to with much
    anticipation by the students.

    1931 Amplifier

    1932 -Band

    The West Linn High School band, under the new leadership of Mr. Wade, has made
    a very fine record. They played during the foot-ball games and showed much of the
    school spirit and pep.

    1932 Band

    1932 Boys Club

    1932 Boys Club

    1932 Camera Club

    he Camera Club is a group of students interested in amateur photography. 
    Learning to develop their own films and the proper way to take pictures is part
    of their work.  The club looks forward each year to its annual hike.  Last year
    the entire club hiked up Larch Mountain and many pictures were taken on the trip.

    1932 Camera Club
    Edith Snyder - President                                Joanna Bennett - Vice President
    Pauls Matile - Secretary-Treasurer                  Mr. Fors - Advisor

    1932 - Debate

    The West Linn debate squad, although not a winning one, gave strong competition
    to the other schools with which it competed.

    1932 Debate Club
    Members:  Everett Gary, Kenneth Wendall, Dwight Aden, Arthur Schwerin.

    1932 Girls League

    1932 girls League

    1932 Green & Gold

    1932 Green and Gold

    1932 Hi-Y Club

    Hi Y Club Members

    1932 Honor Society

    1932 Honor Society

    French Club

    1932 French Club  

    German Club

    1932 German Club

    Spanish Club

    1932 Spanish club

    1932 Pep Club

    1932 Pep club

    1932 "U" Club

    1932 U club

    1932 Glee Club

    1932 Glee Club  

    1932 Orchestra

    1932 Orchestra