WLHS Drama 1939

  • WLHS Drama - 1939

    1939 Operetta

    The Operetta given this year was entitled "In the Garden of the Shah".  It was a
    highly successful and entertaining production.  Costuming and staging were
    especially effective.  The intensely dramatic and amuzing situations kept the
    large audience highly entertained for a full evening performance.  The high
    school chorus was ably assisted by the orchestra.  The production was under
    the direction of Mr. Fred H. Wade. Besides the operetta, the chorus participated
    in many concerts and entertainments.  The chorus won second in the state at the
    musical chorus contest in Forest Grove.  Three of the members won second ratings
    in the solo contest.

    1939 Student Body Play

    The student body play, "The Black Flamingo" was produced under the direction of
    Mr. goetzl, with the following cast:  Juanita Beckhart, Betty Lipp, LeRoy Adams,
    Henry Redhead, Ed Blackman, Bob Kruse, George Masterson, De Marise Welch,
    Jean Mead.  Dick Heebner, Bob Brooks, Paul Merrick, Kenneth Kerr, Lyle Anderson,
    Dick Knoll, Clement Colgan and Gordon McKennett.



     1939 Operetta