WLHS Drama 1922

  • WLHS Drama 1922

    1922 - Senior Class Play - "The Wrong Mr. Wright"

    1932 Senior Class Play Cast

    Marie Bittner - Henrietta Oliver
    Blanche Junken - Julie Bonds
    Raymond Montgomery - Captain Crosby
    Roy Buckles - Lord Brazenface\
    Doris Ellis - Tillie
    Orilla Oliver - Arabella Clingstone
    Gurnie Cranor - Wayland
    John Hogan - Fred Bonds

    1922 - Junior Class Play - "The Arrival of Kitty"

    The Junior Class play, "The Arrival of Kitty", was presented at the High School Auditorium, May 5th, 1922. A great deal of time and work was put into the play and it was one of the biggest successes of the year.

    The play was directed by Miss Helen Leathers, Junior Class Advisor, and Miss Margaret DuBois. Much credit is due them for maintaining the high standard of plays put on by the school during the year.

    1922 Junior Play Cast

    John Michels - William Winkler
    Mildred McKillican - Jane
    Elmer Simpson - Bobbie Baxter
    Beulah Snidow - Aunt Jane
    Gordon Hammerle - Benjamine Moore
    Ruth Miller - Kitty
    Walter Brady - Tinglepaugh
    Lester Petit - Sam
    Alta Worden - Suzette