WLHS Photos - 1930

  • WLHS Photos - 1930

    1930 - West Linn High School Band

    The West Linn High School band, under the direction of Mr. Edwin Wetmore,
    has proved to be an essential factor of the school. They went to Corvallis where,
    bedecked in their new uniforms, they carried off second honors in class B at the
    State Band Contest. Unfortunately, they lost first place by the narrow margin of
    one point.

    1930 band

    Director - Mr. Edwin Wetmore
    Trumpets - Lee Riley, Lewis Pratt, Hamilton Johnson
    Baritone - Betty Merrick
    Melophones - Edity DeMoy, Bonnibelle Littlefield
    Trombones - Chester Jarrett, Howard, Moehnke
    Drums - Jane Merrick, Edward Wells
    Saxophones - Irma Snitil, Elwood Dunmire, Stanley Chapman,
          Thorne Evans, Bassoon - Eleanor Couche
    Bass - George Tozier.

    1930 - Boys "U" Club

    The "U" Club is an organization which consists of those who have won a letter in
    either baseball, basketball or football. The purpose of the  Letter club is to build and
    sustain the morale of the school. It also stands for the old West Linn fight and good
    sportsmanship, win or lose.

    As in the past, the "U" Club was one of the outstanding organizations in school this
    year. The members were a peppy bunch, and whenever there was heavy work to be
    done, they were right there to do it.

    1930 Boys U Club
    Albert Cranor, Sam Nixon, Dennis Holland, Lawrence Randall, Randolph Herndon,
    Glen Herndon, Kenyon Davidson, Chester Jarrett, Donald Harkleroad, Robert Willson,
    Allen Swenson, Kenneth Montgomery, Philip Tuor, Dwight Aden, Richard Denley,
    Robert Fox, Ed Wells, Kenneth McLarty.

    1930 - Debate

    The West Linn debate squad had a very balanced season this year; three debates
    were won, and three lost. The teams contested with the following shcools: Sheridan,
    McMinnville, Canby, Dayton and Milwaukie.

    1930 debate club

    1930 - French Club

    Motto: "Too low they build who build beneath the stars."

    1930 French Club
    President: Marie Schultz, Vice President: Willard Wong,
    Secretary-Treasurer: Zena Donis

    1930 - German Club

    The German Club is one of the newly-organized foreign-language clubs.
    "Edelweisz" was chosen as the name of the organization, that word being
    the name of a very rare flower found in the Alps Mountains. The purpose
    of this club is to increase interest in the German language.

    1930 German club
    President: Margaret Lange, Vice President: Glen Herndon,
    Secretary-Treasurer: Randolph Herndon

     1930 - Girls "U" Club

    The "U" Club is an organization which consists of those who have won a letter in either baseball or basketball. The purpose of the Letter club
     is to build and sustain the morale of the school. It also stands for the old West Linn fight and good sportsmanship, win or lose.

    This year's group has the largest membership in the history of the school, consisting of 15 girls. These girls are not only active in athletics, but are also leaders in alls chool activities.

    1939 girls U Club
    Senior Members:  Eunice Morrell, Irene Tucker, Mabel Carr, Maxine Tuor, Alice Stangel, Ruth Carrothers, Bonniebelle Littlefield, 
    Sonora Brown, Jo Zaniker, 
    Junior Members:  
    Cleo Hinds, Sigree Hagen, Dorothy LaLone, 
    Sophomore Members:  
    Audrey Shipley, Yvonne Davidson

    Freshmen Members:  Clara Rauch

    1930 - Glee Club

    The Boys' and Girls' Glee Clubs again had a very successful year with Miss Kathryn Inwood as director. Twenty-two boys and 
    eighteen girls made up the membership.

    The most important undertaking of the year was the operetta, "Jerry of Jericho Road". This operetta was given by a cast made up 
    entirely of glee club members.
    1939 Glee Club  

    1930 - Green & Gold Staff

    We wish to thank everyone, but especially Mr. Howard, for his splendid aid,
    Miss Jurgens and the students who did all necessary typing, 
    and Mr. Gary
    for his cheering advice.

    1939 Green and Gold
    Raymond Thompson - Editor, Fred Sanders - Assistant Editor,
    Donald Harkleroad - Manager, William Anderson - Assistant Manager,
    Margaret Lange - Administration, Margaret Vinson - Senior Class,
    Marjorie Ranger - Junior Class, Eleanor Couche - Sophomore Class,
    Martha Murray - Freshman Class, Josephine Zaniker - Girls' Athletics,
    Albert Cranor - Boys' Athletics, Vivian Hughes - Activities, Lloyd Williams -
    Jane Merrick - Jokes, Chester Jarrett - Cartoons,
    Irene Tucker - Chief Typist, Lyman Koellermeier - Assistant Typist

    1930 - Hi-Y Club

    The Hi-Y organization is a boys' honor club. This club is of much value to the
    school, although most of its work is not made public. It does many 
    things that
    could be done in no other way. Mr. Howard, the advisor of the club, has worked
    hard to build it up and to keep the members, enthusiastic.

    The Hi-Y Club is a branch of the Y.M.C.A., and all members are entitled to use
    anything at the Central Y at Portland or any other branch in the 

    1930 Hi Y Club
    President: Albert Cranor, Vice President: Clarence Riley, Secretary - Treasurer:
    Dennis Holland, Allen Swenson, Wob Wiedemann, Bernard Davis, 
    Chester Jarrett,
    Clarence Gross, Donald Ream, Dwight Aden, Randolph Herndon, Sam Nixon,
    Kenyon Davidson.

    1930 - Honor Society

    The Torch honor Society boasts of being one of the leading organizations in school.
    Due to the requirements of high scholarship and activity 
     participation, its
    membership is limited.

    1939 Honor Society

    1930 - Oratory and Essay Club

    West Linn again made a very good showing in several oratory and essay contests
    this year. The essays presented on the various subjects 
    were very good and
    showed the expenditure of much time and effort.

    1930 Oratory and Essay Club

    Dan Harkleroad, Vivan Hughes, Chester Jarrett, Margaret Lange,
    Patricia Straight, James Vinson, Margaret Vinson

    1930 - Orchestra

    Under the direction of Miss Kathryn Inwood, the orchestra has been very
    successful. They played at various high school entertainments throughout the year.

    1930 Orchestra
    Violins: Chester Jarrett, Margaret Lange, Rugh Rakel, Edith Snyder, Don Nelson, Lee Smith, Elmo Eby,         Fritzina  Lyons, Theodore Quade,
    Saxophones: Irma Snitil, Dwight Aden,
    Clarinets: Willard Taylor, Clinton Campbell, William Anderson

    Bass Clarinet: Stanley Chapman,
    Melophone: Bonniebelle Littlefield,
    Trumpet: Lee Riley,
    Drums: Jane Merrick,
    Piano: Edith DeMoy

    1930 - Spanish Club - "Los Ecos de Espana"

    1930 Spanish club
    President: Bernard Davis
    Vice President: Marian Robinson
    Secretary-Treasurer: Harlen Zivney

     Junior Class Council

    1930 Junior Class council

    Sophomore Class Council

    1930 Sophomore class council

    Freshmen Class Council

    1930 Freshmen Council